The two weirdest things happen with disappearing fish, I have a 24 gallon nanocube tank that i use for a spanish ribbed newt tank that i had a bamboo shrimp in, for almost a week straight we could not find him at all, checked all the hiding places and the filter, the thing is that tank is not that well planted its got alot of short starting plants that are meant to grow out and fill the tank later on, so we concluded he somehow got out ofhis tank and was eaten by the dogs, but suddenly one morning i see him chilling next to the filter. the other disappearing fish we had was our striped Kuhli loach, we were cleaning out the tank and moving fish to our new corner 70 gallon tank when after me and my fiancee had added in all but one fish to the tank the loach, we could not find him anywhere in the holding tank we were using to move them..... we frantically searched the aquarium for hours nothing, 4 days later we see him chilling at the front of the tank munching on one of the bottom feeder pellets, i had to send a picture to my fiancee cause she was so worried that she somehow killed him