What type of fish is this?


New Member
Aug 29, 2017
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New to this and have a Cold water tank with goldfish and two other (platies) I think. Also have a tropical tank with guppies and puffers.

Please could someone advise me what type of fish this is and if she's pregnant as she's huge compared to her tank mate.

Thanks in advance.


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The fish in the picture is a platy, from the picture it is hard to tell its gender but I think it may be a female. If it is female then yes it is pregnant (Livebearers are always pregnant). Now about your tank. Platies are tropical fish and should not be kept in cold water tanks especially not with goldfish. What size are your tanks? exactly how many guppies and puffers do you have in the tropical tank? Have your tanks been cycled properly?
Oh wow, I bought the pair from the temperate tanks the same day I bought the two goldfish about 10 weeks ago, they are in a 30l cold tank and have been ever since. I have noticed that the male one (I think) isn't the happiest of fish but the big female seems active and greedy.

The guppies and puffers are in a 70l tank, and they are thriving fine with no dead fish since.

Both tanks were cycled as per the shops instructions and water readings are all good.

I do have a 15l tank also with a guppy ready to drop her fry in there as another female guppy would not leave her alone.

Should I move the platies to the tropical tank? Or just the one that seems shy and unhappy?

Thanks in advance.
Looks more like a sword tail than a platy to me. The body looks too long for a platy IMO. Platties are a bit more "stubby" looking. Looks to be female so you can probably assume it is pregnant.
Looks more like a sword tail than a platy to me. The body looks too long for a platy IMO. Platties are a bit more "stubby" looking. Looks to be female so you can probably assume it is pregnant.

Yeah I see where you're coming from it very well may be a sword tail. I usually have a hard time telling the deference between female sword tails and platies.

Now about your setup. What temputure is your cold water tank? Depending on where you live and how hot your house is your tank could be in the habitual range without a heater. Like said above though your tank is not large enough for gold fish which need a large pond to survive.

I would recommend moving both platies (well I guess now we are going with sword tails lol) to the tropical tank. When moving them put some water from the tank they are in at the moment in a plastic ziplock bag them add them to the bag. Float the bag in the tank for 30 mins. Then add the fish to the tank making sure not to add the water from the bag.

Also if you wouldn't mind could you tell us the exact parameters from your water. Trusting the pet stores reply of "yeah your water is fine" is never safe as most the time they lie just so you will buy fish.
The platy (or swordtail) gave birth last night and ate the fry. She started about 9pm and finished by 11pm had only 4 fry?

I moved the unhappy one to the tropical tank, and he is like a different fish. Swimming around with the guppies and playing in the bubbles.

Unsure about moving the mumma as she's quite big and worried about her eating the endlers. Should I be worried?

The goldfish are not goldfish lol, they are fantails. Not sure if that makes a difference.

So there's only 3 in the 30l, and they seem happy enough and greet me every morning.
And yes, it's probably in the low 20's (degrees) but that will soon change once the weather cools down.
I would move the mother, I doubt she will eat the endlers but then again i've heard of crazier things happening. Just make sure she is well fed;)
The goldfish are not goldfish lol, they are fantails. Not sure if that makes a difference.

So there's only 3 in the 30l, and they seem happy enough and greet me every morning.


Take a look at this thread. Fluttermoth, the author, is still an active member on here. If you read through you will see that you need 100 litres for the first fish and then an additional 50 litres for each additional fish. So for 3 goldfish, fantails or not, you need a 200 litre tank.

ETA - take a look at this thread too ;)

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New to this and have a Cold water tank with goldfish and two other (platies) I think. Also have a tropical tank with guppies and puffers.

Please could someone advise me what type of fish this is and if she's pregnant as she's huge compared to her tank mate.

Thanks in advance.
Tuxedo Platty I think.

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