
Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2013
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Hi everyone, so I am going to try and upgrade my aquarium at Christmas time (I say try because I might not have the funds). Right now I have my 11 rummynose tetras, 1 guppy, 2 snails (can't remember species) and 5 amano shrimp in a 60 litre aquarium. I also wanted lots of live plants in the new tank. I was wanting to upgrade to an 110-120 litre aquarium (there are two that I like) and my this is my stocking list so far:
11 rummynose tetras-already have
3 guppies-already have 1
1 molly
5 amano shrimp-already have 
2 snails-already have
So, I wanted to get another couple of fish for more variety. I would have quite liked a dwarf cichlid of some sort, but have heard they are not the hardiest. I also liked the idea of a catfish (otocinclus, corydoras, pleco, etc) but I'm just not sure. 

What do you think would be the best option? Post suggestions down below, it will help me a lot. 
Thanks in advance!

P.S - Do I need a lid on my aquarium? I'm asking because the Clearseal aquariums are so much cheaper without a lid. If I do, how can I make a cheap one?
Hi there, it may be an idea to add a little more colour to the tank why not try some cardinals? or even bekfordi pencil fish or harlequins.
you don't need a lid for say however you will need to with guppys as they are known for jumping out of tanks and they you have to problem of lighting aquariums without the lid.
I also think that most tanks benefit from bottom feeding fish otocinclus would be the best option the a small shoal of corydoras (they are shoaling fish) but I wouldn't recommend a plec any bigger than a rubber nose plec.
Thank you very much for the reply.
I like the idea of cardinals, I might just scrap the mollies and 2 extra guppies so I can have more of them! I am also going to do some research on ember tetras, they are really colourful and the red/orange would bring out the red in the rummynose tetras. Since ember tetras are so small, do you think that they would be okay with the rummynoses? 
A lid on your tank would be helpful, but not a necessity although guppies are known to jump out of tanks.
Just out of interest, how are you planning to have lights on this tank if you do not have a lid?
Ch4rlie said:
For a 60 litre tank, you are looking for 30cm of adult fish, max.
For example, maybe 6 guppies. Or maybe 7 Rummynose tetras.
I would say you are, in fact already overstocked with 11 rummy noses, 3 guppys and a molly 

Also would not really recommend Neons for a 60 litre tank, they are small fish but they are active and can also be nippy fish so they need plenty swimming space, a larger tank would suit them better.
I only have 11 rummynoses and 1 guppy in my 60 litre tank right now and I am planning to upgrade to an 120 litre for them. My question was what other fish I could have in that 120 litre. 
I realised that, i tried to correct this but accidentally already posted it! 

You can cover it with a plexiglass or glass panel. I also think its better to cover the tank, as you significantly reduce evaporation and also hinder your fish on jumping out. But there is no rule that a tank needs to be covered. If evaporation is not an issue an open tank is fine too. To prevent jumping out of your fish you could lower the water level a little or have a layer of floating plants.
What are your water parameters/hardness? Without I would rather not like to recommend any fish. But as you already keep rummynose, which like soft water. You cold add a group of corys (about 10). they also prefer soft water.
Fishywishy333 said:
For a 60 litre tank, you are looking for 30cm of adult fish, max.
For example, maybe 6 guppies. Or maybe 7 Rummynose tetras.
I would say you are, in fact already overstocked with 11 rummy noses, 3 guppys and a molly 

Also would not really recommend Neons for a 60 litre tank, they are small fish but they are active and can also be nippy fish so they need plenty swimming space, a larger tank would suit them better.
I only have 11 rummynoses and 1 guppy in my 60 litre tank right now and I am planning to upgrade to an 120 litre for them. My question was what other fish I could have in that 120 litre. 
60 litres is not a lot of room for 11 rummynoses.
Corydoras could work for you.
Mollys and guppies do need medium to hard water.
While tetras need soft water
Ch4rlie said:
I realised that, i tried to correct this but accidentally already posted it! 

Haha! it's fine. :)
hobby5 said:
You can cover it with a plexiglass or glass panel. I also think its better to cover the tank, as you significantly reduce evaporation and also hinder your fish on jumping out. But there is no rule that a tank needs to be covered. If evaporation is not an issue an open tank is fine too. To prevent jumping out of your fish you could lower the water level a little or have a layer of floating plants.
What are your water parameters/hardness? Without I would rather not like to recommend any fish. But as you already keep rummynose, which like soft water. You cold add a group of corys (about 10). they also prefer soft water.
My PH is 7.4, but I don't have a KH or KH kit.
Fishywishy333 said:
My PH is 7.4, but I don't have a KH or KH kit.
Then check with your water supplier, they often got the values online or bring a sample to your LSF and have it tested.

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