Vote Now! - February 2022 Tank of the Month Contest (31 US gal & larger)

Vote Now for February 2022 Tank of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

We have 10 awesome tanks entered in Fishforums' March 2022 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 16 US gallons and smaller. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to poll at the top of this thread, click on your choice for TOTM, and then click the "Cast" button.

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on. Winner will also be added to our TOTM WALL OF FAME

This poll will end on March 13th at 2:35 PM ET (US)
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This is my 46 gallon bowfront tank, the tank itself has been around for a while, but the setup is only a year old.

Fish Stocking
- 10 Gold Pristella Tetras
- 24 Silver-Tip Tetras (give or take a few)
- 1 Male Molly
- 5 Honey Gouramis (1 male 4 females)
- 12 Pearl Danios
- 1 Zebra Danio
- 1 Farolwella Catfish
- 10 Peppered Corys
- 6 Agassiz's Corys
- 20 Ghost Shrimp
- 4 Rhino Gobies
- A whole bunch of snails

Plant Stocking
- Some Vallisenaria
- 2 Anubias Nana
- 1 Anubias Coffeefolia
- 3 Hydrocotyle Tripatita 'Japan'
- 1 Cryptocoryne Wendtii
- 2 Red Plants
- 1 Anubius Nana
- 1 Java Fern
- 1 Java Fern Windelov
- Some Java Moss
- 1 Tiger Lotus
- A Few Duck Weed

I am currently dosing Flourish Execl every other day, and the filter is an Aqua Clear 70. I also included a Marineland Maxi-Jet 400 in power head mode. For lighting I am using a simple planted tank LED. I feed the tank in the morning and evening, and do water changes every two weeks. I do have to keep 2 heaters in the tank, but they keep the temperature steady.

That is my tank, Thank You.
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click on video below
This is my 150-gallon tank. It is 190x60x55cm. It is built out of 10mm glass with a 12mm base. I built the tank and the stand it sits on. The stand is made from recycled pellets, so cost nothing. The tank was set up in November 2021. (This tank was originally built as a Cichlid tank more than 10 years ago, and so is now in its second life).

This tank is designed as an open top aquarium with two shelves one at each end, on the right-hand end are carnivorous plants and on the left-hand end are orchards. There are also two Dracaena planted in the back.

The tank is very much a work in progress, I am looking at having the fish spawn and produce a sustainable population. As the plants grow the problem with hair algae is all but gone away, there is algae in the tank which I need for the Whiptail catfish.

The tank has a river gravel base, driftwood and rocks.

Filtration: It has a passive Under gravel Filter moving about 30 gallons per hour. At each end are two internal 1000 l/hour filters pointing at each other.

Lighting: Consists of Natural light, plus a 43cm LED white light for the Amazon sword plant which is switched on for four hours per day (In the evening)

Plants: Amazon sword plant (plus 3 young plants) it is Echinodorus Osiris. Other plants Ludwigia repens, Hygrophila difformis, Hygrophila polysperma, Hygrophila siamensis, Vallisneria americana, Limnophilia aquatica, Cardamine lyrata, Cryptocoryne parva, Cryptocoryne walkeri, Cryptocoryne Petchii, Cryptocoryne I am guessingi, I like the idea of plants growing out of the tank the Hygrophila siamensis has taken off and I’m hoping it will flower soon. The Cardamine lyrata also tries to escape.

Fertilizers: I don’t use fertilizers; I have fish for that purpose.

Water changes: 25% weekly, I use rainwater as that is all I have.

Fish: 10 Black Phantom Tetras, 6 White cloud mountain minnows and 3 Royal whiptail catfish.

Feeding: Flake food, Frozen Blood worms and Mosquito larvae.

Parameters: pH 6.8, GH 30ppm, KH 20ppm. Nitrites and Nitrates are at 0.

This tank features on my thread “Here I go again 150 gallon reset”. I hope you enjoy looking at this tank and maybe become inspired to try something different. Everything I do is natural, and I try to have a natural feel about my tanks.

This video is about take 5 and is about the best I can do, if I wait until after dark the tank loses a lot of the atmosphere so I apologize for the reflection, it is what it is.

This is the longest post I have ever put onto TFF. I just hope you enjoy my tank as much as I do, Thank you.
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This is my new 200 litre/ 44 UK gallon/ 53 US gallon aquarium manufactured by Diversa (part of Aquael)

It is still in the throes of settling down. The substrate is a mix of Hugo Kamishi black glass micro gravel and Hugo Kamishi semi fine natural sand. The hardscape all came from my old 60 litre aquariums along with around 100 litres of initial fill water topped up with clean fresh bottled water, essentially a normal weekly water change of 50%.

Filtration is an Aquael Turbo 2000 upgraded from a Turbo 1000, using old media/noodles to maintain good bacterial levels. Planting as always consists of silicone artificial plants, I personally prefer those to normal artificial due to their ability to behave as if live and they are significiantly softer than the usual more rigid artificial plants. The pH is 7.2 and there are zero nitrites/ammonia with a nitrate level of 10. I have fitted a GKM 24w and Interpet air curtain to aid the aeration and water cleanliness. The original lighting that came with the aquarium setup was a tad too harsh and caused too must startling, so have changed that to a dimmable 78cm LED RGB MCR unit and that has calmed things significantly and has allowed me to retain the morning colour change/feeding routine.

The stocking is everything that shouldn't live together according to logic but they all get along famously......breeding has already begun cos my lot don't hang about in that regard ;)

There are Danio, Rams, BN, Cardinals, Otto, Pepper Cory, Bronze Cory, Honey Gourami and the aquarium boss is a fiesty but well behaved Apisto Veijita. Everyone gets along really well, no behavioural issues.....there are plenty of caves and other hiding places incase anyone does have an off day. These fish have been in my care for 4+ years and were slowly introduced from my old aquariums over 5 days. Feeding is alternate days.

This size aquarium is something I have always wanted but could never have due to the delivery process of a curb drop off. The company who supplied this Diversa not only delivery the kit themselves but they also deliver to the room of choice on all aquariums over 100 litres and they do not charge delivery either. So although probably not to everyone's taste, this is the aquarium of my dreams that has finally come true :)
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200ltr tank heavily planted, large bog wooden ornament shaped like a pig, hence the name.
Age : three months old
Fish stocks
4x dwarf gramies
4x leapard corydoras
3x striped loaches
3x honey rams
1x albino pec
1x blue phantom pec
3x sword tail tetras
8x guppies - various
6x red nose tetra
6x cardin tetra
1x red tailed shark
1x armoured shrimp

Water perimeters :
Temperature 26 degrees C
PH 6.5
Amonia zero
NItrite zero
Nitrate 10
Gh 8
Kh 4
Phosphate 1.5

Fertiliser - microbe lift - once a week
Lightning - BT Led unit 21 Watt
Filtration type external fluval 207 filter
Aration - sponge filter HD603
Tank maintenance - 20% water change every 5 day's. Plus gravel clean
Feeding schedule - twice daily, flakes,pellets and wafers.
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40 Gallon Axie Tank

This is my 40 gallon (180 liter) axolotl tank. The tank is 36x18x16 (inches). It is filtered by 2 sponge filters and cooled to 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 Celsius) by a decent little desk fan. It is lidless. The tank receives a 50-75% water change every two weeks and is dosed with Seachem Flourish. There are Seachem Root Tabs spread under the largest plants. The tank has been set up since November, though the majority of it was simply transferred from the old 55. The lighting is a cheap light I got for $17 but has been doing WONDERFULLY with my plants.

Water Parameters -
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0
PH: 7.5
GH: 5 dgh
KH: I think 4?

The tank is stocked with 3 axolotls, who are my pride and joy. I waited years for axolotls to become legal in my state, and on August 1st, 2021, I was legally able to order one! I now have Kirby, a 5 inch leucistic, Ponyo, a 5.5 inch bluegill leucistic, and Wobbles the 5 inch high iridophore amber golden albino. You can tell Ponyo and Kirby apart because Ponyo has the sweetest little kink in one of his gill stalks!

All three axies are active and have lovely flowing gills. They get about 5 salmon pellets each every two days. Come spring, they will start getting earth worms! They get along very well right now, once they mature I will likely need to change things up a bit though.

The tank is decked out with about 20 pounds of dragon stone, a large clay pot, and loads of live plants. The plants are as follows:

Anubias "Butterfly"
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Nana "Petite"
Amazon Swords
Two massive red Crypts
Italian vals
Java fern
Willow Hygro
Red Ludwigia
Umbrella Palms

Above the tank, resting on the rim and on the light, I have
Non-variegated spider plant
Golden pothos
A fern
Bonnie Curly spider plant
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Hi fish folks 🙂

This is my 125g River Rio

The tanks a Juwel Rio 450 (W151xD51xH66cm)
Play sand
River rocks/pebbles

Amazon Swords
Water sprite
Ceratopteris Corntuna
(Plants Fed with root tabs and seachem flourish)
*Water Parameters:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10ppm
PH: 7.4
GH: 9 gdh
KH: 7
50% once a week plus a 25% spot clean mid week.

Aqueal Ultramax 2000 /fluval 405 cainster filters, 2 x fluval E300 heaters, 2 x 6500k T5 nature leds, Eheim air pump
Denison,Odessa,Rosy,Black Ruby
Bottom dwellers
Hoplo Catfish,Pictus Catfish,King Tiger Pleco

Thank you for looking and good luck to everyone 🙂
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Hello guys. This is my entry.

I’m relatively new to fish keeping, I started this tank around October/November 2021 and this is my first ever fish tank. I’m a complete novice.
I’m not sure what exactly got me into fish keeping but I do remember thinking one day “wouldn’t it be nice to have a fish in a bowl”. A few thousand hours of research later via YouTube and reading various websites I convinced myself I could do it. And try to do it properly (hopefully).

This is a fluval Roma 200L. It currently has 1 internal fluval filter that came with the tank (4u). I also have 2 additional large sponge filters. I’m also using the stock FluvalSmart LED light that came with the tank, which seems to be doing the job just fine. As I’m a novice I haven’t experimented with the lighting a great deal at the moment. I have a very noise air pump which id like to address in the near future. All pond solutions x4 I believe.

For hardscape I have gone for some wild rhino stone and tried to keep the main stone off centre. I tried to use the principal of thirds and tried to create visual depth. For a 1st attempt I’m pretty impressed. I have slowly added some moss balls and some Anubis plants my fish love to eat. I introduced some duckweed but the gold fish loved that too much and now I have none. For substrate I just went for something simple. Black sand.

Currently in the tank I have two oranda gold fish named shiny and chocolate. I then have 8 zebra danios who are all Newcastle fans apparently. I also have two shrimp in the tank that I didn’t know about until I did a water change one day. I’m suspecting they came with the plants. They mainly hide behind the filters.

Due to fact I got impatient and decided against a fishless cycle (stopped half way) and decided to introduce fish too early I’ve been doing 70% water changes daily. Just to keep ammonia down as much as possible. I was excited when i first saw signs of nitrites. Currently the tank is running at 0 ammonia 0 nitrites and around 10/20 nitrates. Ph is around 7.2.

My water changes are now around once a week at 20%. I’m still nervous about cleaning it too much.

Currently feeding them once a day and sometimes I miss a day if I feed to much. I using a combination of pellets, bloodworms and peas/broccoli which the seem to love.

I’m looking to introduce more fish eventually but don’t want to rush things at the moment. I might also experiment with more plants but not sure if the goldfish will eat them or not.

This is my 80gal (us) tank with bogwood, aqua soil in filter bags topped with gravel and elephant skin stone. Water temp is 26 deg C, ph 7, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20. I dose EI ferts daily and do weekly 30% water changes. I feed frozen food once a day and live food once a week.
EQUIPMENT: lighting - 2x lominie asta F120’s. Filtration - Boyu EF 35 with stainless steel lily pipes. The plan is to add co2 in the near future.
PLANTS: vallis, crypts, Java fern, rotala H’ra and rotundafoli, buce kedagang and wavy green, anubias nana, hygrophilia pinatifida, hygrophilia corymbosa and Pygmy chain swords.
LIVESTOCK : rummynoses, gold tetras, cherry barbs, neon tetras, danios a pair of kribensis and amano shrimp. Plus a L134 plec.
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Hello all! Heres my 135G planted tank. It was setup July 2021.
Lighting is a combination of Fluval 3.0 and Finnex ALCs
Filtration FX4 an a Sunsun 304B
CO2 is injected via reactor connected to the Sunsun
Weekly 50G wc are done using a mixture of tap and RO.
A mixture of eco complete and aquasoil capped with sand make up the substrate
I mix my own dry fertz and dose 3 times weekly

Livestock consist of
Congo Tetras
Pristella Tetras
Von Rio Tetras
Harlequin Rasboras
Panda cories
Pygmy cories
Sparkling Gouramis
Honey Gourami

Various plants of Ludwigias, rotalas, pogostemon, crypts, blyxa, ARs, hygrophlias.

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