Things Being This Way

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That One Guy
May 25, 2019
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On the banks of the Yellowstone
Times and events being what they are these days . . . it hasn't all turned out bad. I retired last fall and stay home every day. Not working is great. Not working satisfies my inner lazy self. Today I am a lightning bolt. I'm rejuvenating my micro worm cultures and replenishing my supply of R/O change water. In a couple hours Adam -12 will be on and I will follow the adventures of Officers Malloy and Reed. Eat supper and watch Jeopardy in my pajamas that I have not been out of for six days. What normal things are you all enjoying ?
I remember Adam 12 the black and white cop show. Is it still in b&w or has it been upgraded to colour?

I gave up showering coz I don't have any soap. I now wear the same clothes 24/7 and will do until I can buy some soap and food. Currently no need for toilet paper coz there's no food. And if you don't eat, you don't poop and you don't need dunny paper.

Other day to day activities including staring at a wall contemplating killing myself, and killing and eating the neighbours. Hey, I need meat, my insides are not happy.
Being outside really. I’m entering a Kentucky photo contest so I’ve been taking a lot of pictures lately. :)

I’ve also been exercising a lot lately. Call me a fitness geek? (Or just a healthy person? ;))
I am enjoying retirement now going on 11 years (early retirement) help baby sit my 7 month old granddaughter, enjoy cooking meals. I like to fix computers/laptops, build models, read books, stay up late at night and watch SiFi movies and of course take care of my fish.
@Colin_T . Yes, Adam-12 started out in black and white but switched to color a few episodes in. Saw a funny one the other day. They arrested a marijuana peddler. What would those guys think about California today ? Recreational and medicinal marijuana running wild !
I caught a whiff of myself a little bit ago. I think I'll put on clean clothes and even take a shower tomorrow.
I remember Adam 12 the black and white cop show. Is it still in b&w or has it been upgraded to colour?

I gave up showering coz I don't have any soap. I now wear the same clothes 24/7 and will do until I can buy some soap and food. Currently no need for toilet paper coz there's no food. And if you don't eat, you don't poop and you don't need dunny paper.

Other day to day activities including staring at a wall contemplating killing myself, and killing and eating the neighbours. Hey, I need meat, my insides are not happy.
My little brothers ages 8, 8, 13, and 15 had an hour long conversation about who would be first to be eaten. One of the 8yr olds said they would rather eat me than the dog..... I feel so loved. Lol
My little brothers ages 8, 8, 13, and 15 had an hour long conversation about who would be first to be eaten. One of the 8yr olds said they would rather eat me than the dog..... I feel so loved. Lol
It's kind of a running joke in our family because when I was 3 and my brother was born I asked my parents when we were going to eat him for dinner.... they said we didnt eat people.. I looked at them with sudden understanding and said "ohhhh so we only eat animals....!"
It's kind of a running joke in our family because when I was 3 and my brother was born I asked my parents when we were going to eat him for dinner.... they said we didnt eat people.. I looked at them with sudden understanding and said "ohhhh so we only eat animals....!"
Yeesh! You had a tough childhood! :rofl:
I'm working from home, but things are starting to slow down. My two adult children are home from school for a while, not working. I'm trying to keep them occupied. Fortunately, we have plenty of food, money, and toilet paper.
Getting kind of low on blackworms, though.
Had a kind of a sad experience yesterday. I went to Exotic Pets here in beautiful Billings Montana and I was one of three customers in the whole shop. Bought a bag of dog food and two things of frozen fish food. Total $30 dollars. The owner thanked me ever so graciously and sincerely. You would have thought I'd spent a thousand dollars. The little people are getting hit hard even here in relatively unscathed Montana. If you can at all, please support your LFS . I want them to be around after this is all over.
Had a kind of a sad experience yesterday. I went to Exotic Pets here in beautiful Billings Montana and I was one of three customers in the whole shop. Bought a bag of dog food and two things of frozen fish food. Total $30 dollars. The owner thanked me ever so graciously and sincerely. You would have thought I'd spent a thousand dollars. The little people are getting hit hard even here in relatively unscathed Montana. If you can at all, please support your LFS . I want them to be around after this is all over.
I went to the LFS yesterday to pick up some plants I had order, They were empty of customers too. The owner said he was reducing his hours but said he was not going to close because pets need food too. I bought a bunch extra anacharis even though I didn't need it.
Times and events being what they are these days . . . it hasn't all turned out bad. I retired last fall and stay home every day. Not working is great. Not working satisfies my inner lazy self. Today I am a lightning bolt. I'm rejuvenating my micro worm cultures and replenishing my supply of R/O change water. In a couple hours Adam -12 will be on and I will follow the adventures of Officers Malloy and Reed. Eat supper and watch Jeopardy in my pajamas that I have not been out of for six days. What normal things are you all enjoying ?
I stayed in the same pajamas for 2 days, less than 48 hrs and told my kids. They freaked out like I had lost my mind. I kinda figured, “What the heck, I’m being told to stay inside and I haven’t done anything to get dirty.” My kids shamed me into bathing though and I haven’t tried it again...yet! :)

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