
Mostly New Member
Nov 28, 2015
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I have a 20 gallon tall planted tank, thats been dirted with mineralized top soil with peat added and pool filter sand as the cap. I also have some bunches of Anacharis growing. Its only stocked with 4 cory's right now, but i have a pair of German blue rams i'm adding soon. All that aside, I'm just wondering what kind of tetras you would recommend for this tank 
 I was thinking either neon, glowlight or rummynose tetras? I would love to hear about all of your tetras and experience with them!
Can you let us know your water parameters please before we offer any advice?
The dimensions of the tank would help too ('20 gallon high' means nothing to those of us outside the US!).
As for tank size a 76 litre high.

What variety of Cory?

As for Tetras, I have Neons in a 20 high. As well as Neons and Glowlights in a four footer. For my money they do better in a larger tank, due to more swimming area.
Have you considered Lemon Tetras?
Sorry I didn't clarify earlier! The water parameters are all about ideal. pH is at 7.0, Ammonia and Nitrite is reading at 0, with nitrates less than 20ppm with the hardness at 180. I have 4 full grown Agassizi Cory cats and the dimensions of the tank are 16 in tall x 24 in wide x 12 in deep. I understand a more wide setup is ideal for most tetras, which is why i wanted some advice on what people would suggest for a taller tank. The main reason im deciding between those 3 is that they are the most readily available tetras I like in my area. I think about 7 neon's would be fine, but I already have neons in another tank so I was hoping for something different (Although my experience with them is awesome!)
Ah, availability does play a factor.
I have a school of Glowlights in a four footer I set up at work. I quickly became fond of them. They are very active and fun to watch.
The glowlight and neon tetras willo work better here.  Rummys need a bit more length as they like to swim together, whereas neons and glowlights are not as active, but more sedate, so "boxy" tanks suit them.  Lemon tetra were mentioned but these too are more active swimmers and I would not put them in this small a tank.

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