
  1. G

    Nitrates not building?

    I did a nitrate test 2 weeks ago in my heavily planted dirted tank and got around 0-5ml/l. I tested again today without doing any wcs inbetween, and I still got the same result. I'm assuming my plants are eating all the nitrates before they can build up. Does this mean that water changes are...
  2. cooledwhip

    CooledWhip's Dirted Tank Guide.

    I will be updating this guide multiple times. This is the first section that I have created and the second sections will be coming soon, as soon as I get hardscape and stuff to set it up and plant it. Hey everyone, I have mentioned that sometime in the future I would make a dirted tank guide...
  3. cooledwhip

    Dirting My Tank... Is This Good Soil?

    I have a 10 gallon tank I am currently using to house my spare plants because my current 20g is too filled with plants. I have a little bit of seachem flourite left over from when I made my 20g and on top of that is a lot of sand. I regret using the sand now and plan on replacing it with some...
  4. W

    Tetra Ideas For 20 Gallon Tall

    I have a 20 gallon tall planted tank, thats been dirted with mineralized top soil with peat added and pool filter sand as the cap. I also have some bunches of Anacharis growing. Its only stocked with 4 cory's right now, but i have a pair of German blue rams i'm adding soon. All that aside, I'm...
  5. The Sandman

    17G/65L Low Tech Soil Planted Tank

    Hi everyone, I thought I'd post a few pics of my Aquastart 500 planted tank on here, mainly because of the dearth of information on the web regarding these tanks. Specifically, whether a planted setup would indeed be viable given their 'unique' lighting system. These reasons almost put me off...
  6. S

    Going Dirt - Tips And Tricks For A First Timer?

    Time to kick things off, now I've got plenty of free time I want to convert my Juwel Rio240 into a dirted tank. I'll be using Organic Miracle Gro potting mix.   - First Question is it necessary to have much capping, ex if I used 4 inches of dirt do I have to have 4 inches of gravel capping it or...