So been a while since I talked about my own tank. Current situation is, its a bit empty. After a disease outbreak I lost quite a lot of my big fish and Im sure some of you will remember me loosing Elsie last year... Really sucks but I need to move on, it was a pretty big blow as the fish I lost were all a few years old 
Well the emptyness of the tank right now is not too bad. As I am moving house next weekend!!
Ive not got enough people to move the tank with so I am using a guy suggested by one of the stores. Still thinking of getting a second tank to move them to temporarily to and then get the big tank moved as moving the fish from one tank with filters to an other tank with filters will be a hell of a lot easier than moving it all in one go. And less risk of filter die off.
Today however, I am rehoming one of my current fish, my newish male nicaraguan - got him a few months ago from Wharf and he has been a stunning fish but as he has grown he has just got worse and worse my Mixteco Gold has taken a pretty bad beating and my Severum has a few bits and the two have been flaring for a few weeks so I think thats a smart move.
After the move though (in and around fixing the place up) I am going to restock the tank.
At the moment the tank is
6ft 135 gallon with 2 FX5s on it.
1 Heros Severus - female
1 Threadfin Acara - think female
1 Mixteco Gold - female
2 Agenisous sp.
6 "Giant" Tetras (kind of similar sized to Columbians but full silver - I forget the scientfic name sorry)
5 Annostomus Ternetzi
4 Dwarf Hoplos
2 Flagtail Catfish
3 Whiptails
At the moment thinking of rehoming
4 Dwarf Hoplos
2 Flagtail Catfish
3 Whiptails
I'm looking to maybe get some larger fish and probably get some more cichlids - not sure what I want though. Tempted by some larger plecos - always wanted large hoplos and also always wanted Cupid Cichlids but not 100% on them.
Any ideas on what you would do with the tank would be good
Well the emptyness of the tank right now is not too bad. As I am moving house next weekend!!
Ive not got enough people to move the tank with so I am using a guy suggested by one of the stores. Still thinking of getting a second tank to move them to temporarily to and then get the big tank moved as moving the fish from one tank with filters to an other tank with filters will be a hell of a lot easier than moving it all in one go. And less risk of filter die off.
Today however, I am rehoming one of my current fish, my newish male nicaraguan - got him a few months ago from Wharf and he has been a stunning fish but as he has grown he has just got worse and worse my Mixteco Gold has taken a pretty bad beating and my Severum has a few bits and the two have been flaring for a few weeks so I think thats a smart move.
After the move though (in and around fixing the place up) I am going to restock the tank.
At the moment the tank is
6ft 135 gallon with 2 FX5s on it.
1 Heros Severus - female
1 Threadfin Acara - think female
1 Mixteco Gold - female
2 Agenisous sp.
6 "Giant" Tetras (kind of similar sized to Columbians but full silver - I forget the scientfic name sorry)
5 Annostomus Ternetzi
4 Dwarf Hoplos
2 Flagtail Catfish
3 Whiptails
At the moment thinking of rehoming
4 Dwarf Hoplos
2 Flagtail Catfish
3 Whiptails
I'm looking to maybe get some larger fish and probably get some more cichlids - not sure what I want though. Tempted by some larger plecos - always wanted large hoplos and also always wanted Cupid Cichlids but not 100% on them.
Any ideas on what you would do with the tank would be good