Stop Fighting!

Long,long ago I tried teaching some fish to not attack trying to chase him away with a stick. I had Pavlov's dog in mind. But,I could never be able to catch him doing it if I wasn't looking into the aquarium. I gave up!
I think thats how many people start adding more aquariums..they like the fish,but its not compatible and so it goes..
Alas I not sure fish are teachable - even those dog like cichlids,,,which I think are more cat like in their "teacherability"...;)
As a Deadhead once said at a concert...take a step back....Social media is like that, great medium for venting, lashing out, etc...but we all need to sometimes take a step back and allow for others to vent and not take things so seriously and personally... this is a great place for us fish people....carry on and keep calm all....;)
Speak for yourself you big woosy :)
May also be cultural to a degree. I get on hubby's case for always instigating with me, and he's completely clueless why I'm upset :D where he comes from, you're not "listening" to the other person unless you pose a counterargument to their point all - the - friggin - time. I love him, but sometimes I just tell him to keep his mouth shut so I can get what I need said without having to debate my case each time haha
May also be cultural to a degree. I get on hubby's case for always instigating with me, and he's completely clueless why I'm upset :D where he comes from, you're not "listening" to the other person unless you pose a counterargument to their point all - the - friggin - time. I love him, but sometimes I just tell him to keep his mouth shut so I can get what I need said without having to debate my case each time haha
Ahh but there's not a problem with with posing counter-arguments/points. But it can be donw in a civil and reason way just as long as one actually listens to the other party. After all ain't it okay to agree to disagree and still have a drink with each other....LOL
Completely agree with you. Tone, however, is terribly difficult to convey over only text. We aren't all pulitzer prize winning authors having discourse here (in fact, I would be shocked if any of us were :D), and how often is it that friends at a bar get heated over a beer before someone steps in to modulate it a bit? I think it's entirely common that misunderstandings happen and the "bandwagony" nature of the internet/forums makes it easy to gang up on someone, compounding the issue.
I know Iā€™m not the only one getting tired of peoples personal beefs about one another getting pulled into posts. If you have a problem with someone and want to discuss it with them, please take it to the Conversation tab and speak to them personally. Donā€™t pull the rest of us into your personal issues with someone. Weā€™d prefer to stay on topic in a post and donā€™t want to hear your fighting and arguing. Itā€™s rediculous and childish. If someone.crosses the line then report it. Just keep it out of the posts, please! OK, Iā€™ll quit now. Be nice! :)
i quit this forum for quite awhile when people were complaining about too many people in the world and thinking a mouse in a hot fryer is humorous. Deanna do you ever delete especially unkind posts or going on about world
problems? if not deleted do you flag that post or is there a place on this website for that kind of thing? ie somewhere people who are only discussing aquatic things and donā€™t want to read those kinds of posts. thanks.

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