Stocking Ideas? 125 Gallon Tank


Mostly New Member
Mar 14, 2014
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Hey everyone, I am currently cycling my 125 gallon tank (about 48inches x 24 inches x 24 inches). Im trying to decide what to stock it with, which seems to be the hardest decision! So far i am interested in Angelfish, Plecos, and Bala sharks. I would like to choose larger fish because i have a 20 and 10 gallon tank with smaller fish. 
Open to all suggestions!
Angelfish would be wonderful in this set up because it is deep enough for them. If you get angels, I would get a single one so you don't have to worry about aggression between other angels if they don't pair or aggression towards other fish if they do pair. An Amazon setup would be fantastic to watch.
Balas need a six foot tank, I believe. This tank is not long enough for them.
I would do something like this:
1x Angelfish
12-20x corydoras of your choice
3 bristlenose plecs
20x hatchetfish (be sure you've got a secure lid)
Angels eat neons, so you would need to avoid those. You could probably do more fish in the schools, but I would comfortably do something like that. You'd need sand, too.
Hatchetfish would be cool because they are interesting looking and are not small enough to keep in a small tank. They are also pretty active, I hear.
Well if you dont want a agressive tank i wouldnt suggest the cichlid family of fish.

I have a bala shark and they are very active and i love him but you need a school of them with a group at least 6+ and can grow to 12 inches.

A larger fish i would suggest is a school of silver dollars or some kind of larger fish with a school. I mean who doesnt like seeing schools of fish?!
Another thing i forgot to add is tiger barbs would be a really nice fit in this tank.
Tiger barbs are very nippy so extra care would need to be taken for choosing other tank mates.
Thank you very much for your suggestions im leaning towards an angelfish with 3 plecos. 20 or so corydoras but am not so sure about hatchetfish because I have a plexiglass hood which isnt secure enough for them
In that case, you may want to try something else. Maybe some ember tetras would work. I'm not positive if the angels would eat these guys, but they are a brilliant red. I just thought the hatchets would be a cool addition because of the body shape. Tried to go to seriouslyfish to check ember tetra stats, but the whole site is down. Maybe some penguin tetras. I think they are a little bigger, not sure though. 
You can easily fit 6 angels in this tank. I've got a 90g, mine is nearly the same dimensions as yours but mine is 48 x 18 x 24. You've got a great sized tank there you could keep just about anything that's not a "tank buster". There are several cichlids you can choose from. If you want cories you'll want to have a look at SA cichlids. If you want angels you can keep some plecs, cories, and some small schooling fish no problem. If you get the angels all at the same time then they will probably be fine together as they grow up. As far as small schooling fish go, as long as you get them when the angels are small you are pretty open to options (they don't tend to eat fish they've grown up with) but if you're worried get a deeper bodied type tetra as they won't be as much of a temptation to the angels. 
Serpae tetras, or other deeper bodied tetras would work. Angels wont eat these guys. Maybe a school of black skirts? Or maybe some bleeding heart tetras?
Update: I went to a local mom and pop fish store, and bought 6 angelfish. they all get along great so far and are about the same size. Any suggestions for what else to add?

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