I have two male betta fish in one 30L tank, divided by thick mesh, Ammolite (an unknown breed) and Trellimar (A huge royal blue half-moon) They cannot see each other at all, just to give some basic information as the sickness hasn't come from stress from each other.
Trellimar for the past two days has become very lethargic, which is odd for him, as although he is lazy and likes to sit on leaves and sleep, he hasn't been moving almost at all recently, only moving when being fed. He used to be more active, coming up tot he glass and dancing and blowing bubbles for food (which i don't give him unless its meal time, no treats in this house) he used to blow bubbles repeatedly at me and build nests all the time.
Ammo on the other hand since Trellimar has become this way, hasn't changed in the slightest, he must be the most active betta i've seen. He constantly swims up to the glass and parades himself around for attention and the hope of more food.
I feed them both a mix of Hikari betta bio-gold and Hikari tropical micro pellets, regulating them as they get bored of one food too often (spoilt boys). I also feed them the occasional dried bloodworm (King Britain Bloodworm treats) but only a small pinch, only twice-three times a week.
Trellimar has also been pooping odly, this has not occurred in Ammolite yet but if it does i know it could be a parasite. Some, not all for what I've seen, but some of his poop is long, thin and string like and won't detach itself from Trell. I don't know what this means, or if i have possibly overfed him (Although Ammolite is fine, even being smaller then Trell)
Trellimar also has slight fin rot and for the past 2 days has had some red tips to his fins, he's been suffering from fin rot ever since i got him and nothing i seem to do helps to cure it. Any advice on this behalf too? Ammolite is fine (he's missing half his tail from an accident in the pet store but its slowly growing back)
I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas what the issue could be, I'm going to get the water tested today at my local store, and doing a 50% water change tonight and adding salt (as i always do)
I can attach photos of the two if needed
Trellimar for the past two days has become very lethargic, which is odd for him, as although he is lazy and likes to sit on leaves and sleep, he hasn't been moving almost at all recently, only moving when being fed. He used to be more active, coming up tot he glass and dancing and blowing bubbles for food (which i don't give him unless its meal time, no treats in this house) he used to blow bubbles repeatedly at me and build nests all the time.
Ammo on the other hand since Trellimar has become this way, hasn't changed in the slightest, he must be the most active betta i've seen. He constantly swims up to the glass and parades himself around for attention and the hope of more food.
I feed them both a mix of Hikari betta bio-gold and Hikari tropical micro pellets, regulating them as they get bored of one food too often (spoilt boys). I also feed them the occasional dried bloodworm (King Britain Bloodworm treats) but only a small pinch, only twice-three times a week.
Trellimar has also been pooping odly, this has not occurred in Ammolite yet but if it does i know it could be a parasite. Some, not all for what I've seen, but some of his poop is long, thin and string like and won't detach itself from Trell. I don't know what this means, or if i have possibly overfed him (Although Ammolite is fine, even being smaller then Trell)
Trellimar also has slight fin rot and for the past 2 days has had some red tips to his fins, he's been suffering from fin rot ever since i got him and nothing i seem to do helps to cure it. Any advice on this behalf too? Ammolite is fine (he's missing half his tail from an accident in the pet store but its slowly growing back)
I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas what the issue could be, I'm going to get the water tested today at my local store, and doing a 50% water change tonight and adding salt (as i always do)
I can attach photos of the two if needed