
New Member
May 12, 2019
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I’m not completely familiar with all the types/colors of Rainbow Fish, but I’d like a few in my 55g.

Anyone know some nice looking Rainbow Fish that will grow to a max of 4-5 in?

I want to get each one with a different color, so probably 5 different species...preferably that can be easily found in a Petsmart or Petco
Rainbowfish need to be kept in groups of 6 or more. You can mix different species but you should try to have males and females in each species. Try to keep species that grow to the same size so the bigger males don't bully smaller males. Feed them lots of plant matter (vege flakes, goldfish flakes, duckweed).

Rainbowfish do best in water with a GH above 200ppm and a pH above 7.0.

The following link has all the known species of rainbowfish. A lot of true species are not found in average pet shops and you might need to contact breeders or look for them online. Some of the species at pet shops in the US and UK are hybrids.
From the other thread [ ] it was mentioned that this is to be a semi-aggressive tank, with Tiger Barbs for one. I have never kept these with rainbowfish but I would suspect it might not be advisable. I don't see rainbowfish as "aggressive" and getting their fins nipped will severely stress them out.
Well I have one Boesmani Rainbow right now with Tiger Barbs and is doing fine so I’m assuming that getting 5 more rainbows will only help it’s situation.

Thanks for the advice
Well I have one Boesmani Rainbow right now with Tiger Barbs and is doing fine so I’m assuming that getting 5 more rainbows will only help it’s situation.

Thanks for the advice

That is not how it works, unfortunately. The problem with the solitary rainbowfish now is that he/she is severely stressed from being without more of its species. This affects how a fish behaves and responds to other stimuli including other fish species. At the same time, the tank is relatively new and the fish have not yet settled in; once they do, normal behaviours (for the Tiger Barbs) will be more likely. There are many factors that affect how a fish responds in an aquarium; water parameters (GH, pH, temperature), water conditions, filter flow, light, aquascaping, numbers of each species and the various species. It is simply not remotely likely that the solitary rainbowfish is "doing fine." Only by researching the needs of each species and providing these can we make the assumption that the fish is likely OK in terms of its health and state.

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