Quickly advancing finrot, help!


Mostly New Member
Aug 17, 2016
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About 3 weeks ago i 'rescued' a betta from my local pet store, he was being sold as a half moon but clearly wasn't (He's actually a delta tail upon further research) He was significantly smaller then any betta i'd seen being sold at the store, so i suspected he was a juvenile. He was sitting at the bottom of his tank with tatted fins from fin rot and was scared of all the tetras and corys he was housed with. So i made my complaint and they let me rescue him.

3 weeks pass and he's grown his fins out very well, he's only grown slightly in size and his colours are slowly coming through more, he eats well and tries to male bubble nests but they're rather spaced out and not compact. He's healthy, happy and in a cycled tank with lots of places to hide and rest.

2 days ago i noticed a small hole in one of his fins, obviously i preformed a 25% water change and added in medication as i always do~ Melafix, conditioner, stress coat and a betta mix formula including indian almond leaves. I come home from work the same day to see the small hole is now a massive tear in his tail fin where the hole once was. I knew i couldn't preform another change as to not stress him out, and left it until the next morning to do another change.
Day 2 of fin rot came with 2 more holes in his tail fin, half his dorsal fin in tatters and his pelvic fins also have holes in. I do another 25% water change, adding in the right dose of medications and hope that he'll be alright and this is a freak incident.
Day 3 being today i came downstairs to see the 2 small holes have now ripped and his tails in tatters, his pelvic fins aren't in good shape and his dorsal fin is loosing its colour. I'm going to preform another 25% water change later on after i receive some suggestions as to what to do. I've spoken with a friend who breeds beta's and he suggested that he may be biting his own fins, I've watched him for hours at a time throughout the way and never catch him doing anything of the sort. I know and realise that when i got him he was sick, but i cured that stage of fin rot and this is the worst and quickest I've ever seen it advance.

Any suggestions as to what i should add/do?
Tank is fully cycled with a filter and heater (Although I've turned the filter off so its easier for him to swim, and I'm preforming daily water changes to keep the tank clean) He has no tank mates and the water permitters are okay as of yesterday when i checked. 0 ammonia and no recent spikes.
Are you sure it is fin rot? Are there any physical signs apart from the holes? I would expect a white fuzzyness to appear for fin rot. If there is none then it might not be the case and you could be stressing him out more by medicating unnecessarily.
It does sound more like he could be biting, which even though you've watched for hours, they can do while you're sleeping. I'm not sure what causes this though
IMO the only thing this fixes is the petshops bank balance, its next to useless.

What brand?

stress coat
What brand?

and a betta mix formula including indian almond leaves
More details please.

Can you please provide a close up photo of the fish?
What is the water temp in his tank?
Can you please provide a photo of the tank.
His fins are turning dull in colour around where the tears have now appeared so i suspect this to be the white fuzziness perhaps? I've never experiences a fuzzy look as such, more jagged edges with all my beta's whom have had fin rot.

Is Melafix no good to use then? It got recommended to me not only by the store but by my fish breeding friend so now I'm highly spectacle.
The brand of Conditioner is Interpet
The Stress Coat brand is API
The Betta conditioner is by Nutrafin and can be seen here ~ http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/nutrafin-betta-conditioner-60ml?i=9&orderBy=1#
I have also added 'Tetra Safe Start' when i first got him, and haven't added it back into the tank as i add it on a monthly basis.

His tank temperature is at a constant 78-80~ (27 degrees, conversion as I'm british)

Below is him and his tank. Currently he has no live plants as my local stores stock is infested with snails so I'm trying to find a more reliable supplier (which is where the live moss ball has come from as a trial to see if their plants fair better) Im spectacle of buying plants online so I'm asking around for local stores.
I use the same treatments for my other betta who is perfectly healthy~



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