Platy, something coming out of her anal area & fish die off


New Member
Sep 6, 2017
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Des Moines, Iowa
have a 55 gallon tank, I’ve had it set up since August I believe. I do weekly water changes / poop removal. About 10 gallons each time. Maybe a little more sometimes
There was 6 platy’s 4 angel fish (3 babies and 1 a little larger) 2 German blue rams (which we were planning on getting their own tank since they started laying eggs) 2 clown pleco and 2 snails.
Water parameters
Ph: 7.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: between 0 and 5 ppm

On Monday I did a water change and went on Vacation Tuesday through Thursday.
My husband called me when he got home from work on Thursday and told me that all 3 baby angel fish were dead and 1 of the german blue rams had died. It looked like maybe she had become bloated from eating the dead angel fish.
Everyone is now terrified in this tank. Yesterday I had noticed one of the female platy’s has a red thing coming out of her butt. I thought that maybe she was having her next set of fry so I wasn’t overly concerned about it until today when I noticed the thing is still there and now has that fuzzy white stuff on it. She doesn’t move a whole lot and she’s huge, her scales are starting so stick out and I’m worried about her. I also have this weird crap growing in the back I’m about to remove it but I have no idea what it is. I have no idea what the heck happened to this tank.
The female platy looks in a bad way. Perhaps she has an anal prolapse that got infected (hence the fuzzy stuff). Her scales looks kinda pineconed too. Can you post a picture of her from a top view (looking down).

As for the weird crap, don't remove that. That is a mystery snail egg sac. Leave it be and you will have baby snails in a while.

I know, she doesn’t look well. She keeps hanging around at the top of the tank. I was considering trying to see if I could get the blockage to dislodge somehow.

If there’s only 1 mystery snail in the tank can there still be babies tho? And also it’s above the water line is it supposed to be under?

The female platy looks in a bad way. Perhaps she has an anal prolapse that got infected (hence the fuzzy stuff). Her scales looks kinda pineconed too. Can you post a picture of her from a top view (looking down).

As for the weird crap, don't remove that. That is a mystery snail egg sac. Leave it be and you will have baby snails in a while.
That looks like dropsy to me, see how her scales look like a pine cone? There is not really a cure for this as it is a major internal infection and this is the effects of organ failure, specifically the kidney as she is retaining water, causing the scales to stick out. I wouldn't mess with her vent, it may cause more harm than good. The most humane thing would probably be to end her suffering.

As for the eggs, if the snail was kept with other snails at the store and it was mature enough to mate, she could very well of stored the sperm until using it now. That being said, female snails will lay infertile egg sacs as well. And yes, it is supposed to be above water in a humid place. If the eggs were to fall into the water they embryos would drown. I wouldn't be too surprised if the half that is sitting in the water is already dead (if it is fertile).

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