I have a pregnant wag tail platy about a week into the pregnancy. I have 3 tanks available to move her to and and let fry develop in.
options are as follow
10g: platy tank/betta tank 4 bettas (3 female 1 male) 4platys (3 female 1 male) 1 bristlenose pleco
2 synodontus catfish a male and female non agressive.
filtration: aquaclear20,aqueon10, spongefilter
10g: cory tank with one very docile betta not agressive at all and 8 corys and a apple snail
filtration: aquaclear20,whisper10,spongefilter.
would be putting stocking over the hob filter obviously.
5g fluval spec: 1 betta 5 black neon tetras 1 apple snail
all tanks are decently planted with 8 plants or more in each for fry to hide and have been well established for over 6 months. The female is in the platy tank now and if I should move her should I move her with another platy. And also if you suggest I use a breeder net what is the most opportune time to move her without her aborting them I would like to move her out of the betta tank if its possible to not overstock it to much but thats why I got all the filtration and plants. I do 50% water changes weekly dose ferts and prime. Also let me know if you think all the filtration is redundant or if it will help my almost overstocked tank once there are fry. Thankyou to all who reply very much
options are as follow
10g: platy tank/betta tank 4 bettas (3 female 1 male) 4platys (3 female 1 male) 1 bristlenose pleco
2 synodontus catfish a male and female non agressive.
filtration: aquaclear20,aqueon10, spongefilter
10g: cory tank with one very docile betta not agressive at all and 8 corys and a apple snail
filtration: aquaclear20,whisper10,spongefilter.
would be putting stocking over the hob filter obviously.
5g fluval spec: 1 betta 5 black neon tetras 1 apple snail
all tanks are decently planted with 8 plants or more in each for fry to hide and have been well established for over 6 months. The female is in the platy tank now and if I should move her should I move her with another platy. And also if you suggest I use a breeder net what is the most opportune time to move her without her aborting them I would like to move her out of the betta tank if its possible to not overstock it to much but thats why I got all the filtration and plants. I do 50% water changes weekly dose ferts and prime. Also let me know if you think all the filtration is redundant or if it will help my almost overstocked tank once there are fry. Thankyou to all who reply very much