Platy Is Pregnant Move To Cory Tank?

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Nov 22, 2013
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I have a pregnant wag tail platy about a week into the pregnancy. I have 3 tanks available to move her to and and let fry develop in.
options are as follow

10g: platy tank/betta tank 4 bettas (3 female 1 male) 4platys (3 female 1 male) 1 bristlenose pleco
2 synodontus catfish a male and female non agressive.
filtration: aquaclear20,aqueon10, spongefilter

10g: cory tank with one very docile betta not agressive at all and 8 corys and a apple snail
filtration: aquaclear20,whisper10,spongefilter.
would be putting stocking over the hob filter obviously.

5g fluval spec: 1 betta 5 black neon tetras 1 apple snail

all tanks are decently planted with 8 plants or more in each for fry to hide and have been well established for over 6 months. The female is in the platy tank now and if I should move her should I move her with another platy. And also if you suggest I use a breeder net what is the most opportune time to move her without her aborting them I would like to move her out of the betta tank if its possible to not overstock it to much but thats why I got all the filtration and plants. I do 50% water changes weekly dose ferts and prime. Also let me know if you think all the filtration is redundant or if it will help my almost overstocked tank once there are fry. Thankyou to all who reply very much
I would not recomend leaving the fry with a betta in the tank. If you want to do that, get a breeding nets or something.
Would you recommend I put her in a breeding net in the tank she is in or put one in the cory tank and let the fry grow in there but that would mean I have to move her and I dont want her to abort them from stress
The tank the female is currently in, I would keep the net in.
There are more bettas in the tank the female is currently in than the one I wanted to move her too. The one she is in has 4 bettas I didnt know if it would be good for the fry to grow up in? Or should I just keep them in the net til they mature I just thought in the cory tank they could grow up in the cory tank not in a net just didn't know about moving her?
I would say remove the bettas. I had one in my tank and rehomed him for this purpose.
Yeah but there is already another male in each tank or else I would I can move all the females?
Darthaus12 said:
I would not recomend leaving the fry with a betta in the tank. If you want to do that, get a breeding nets or something.
If you use "a breeding nets or something", or move the platy to an individual tank, you will very quickly become overrun with fry.
Platies, in common with all poecilid livebearers, can have 30 or so fry in each fry-drop. The drop fry every 4 -6 weeks. They have the ability to store sperm packets for 6 months for use when they have not been with a male.
Within 6 months, you are likely to have over 150 fish per female. Can you cope with that many fish? Not many of us have that capacity, and it's not easy to rehome the fry - not that many LFS will take them, because they are so cheap from their usual trusted suppliers.
Why do platies have so many fry? In the wild, they go for quantity not quality, on the assumption that the majority of them will not survive to adulthood. Let's be honest, the platies themselves are likely to eat the fry.
IMO, it is best to let nature take its course, let the adult fish eat the fry, a few of the fittest fry will survive, but it will be at a rate that you will be able to cope with.
the_lock_man said:
I would not recomend leaving the fry with a betta in the tank. If you want to do that, get a breeding nets or something.
If you use "a breeding nets or something", or move the platy to an individual tank, you will very quickly become overrun with fry.
Platies, in common with all poecilid livebearers, can have 30 or so fry in each fry-drop. The drop fry every 4 -6 weeks. They have the ability to store sperm packets for 6 months for use when they have not been with a male.
Within 6 months, you are likely to have over 150 fish per female. Can you cope with that many fish? Not many of us have that capacity, and it's not easy to rehome the fry - not that many LFS will take them, because they are so cheap from their usual trusted suppliers.
Why do platies have so many fry? In the wild, they go for quantity not quality, on the assumption that the majority of them will not survive to adulthood. Let's be honest, the platies themselves are likely to eat the fry.
IMO, it is best to let nature take its course, let the adult fish eat the fry, a few of the fittest fry will survive, but it will be at a rate that you will be able to cope with.
So your saying if I densely plant the tank the hungry bettas platys pleco and synos wont get all of them? I only want a few my girlfriend just wants "baby fishys" I have some flame moss and water sprite planted densely and some swords and I'm trying to get the cardinal plant to spread spread. I also have a decent amount of floating plants trying to gain roots bacopa foxtail. I wish I could find java moss around here I heard iy grows fast and is great for fry but all that's around here is flame moss and it is so slow and I dose ferts and excel and have a decent fluval led

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