Platy In A Semi Aggresive Tank?

Sailfin Zach

Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Platy was fighting another platy so we put him in a semi aggresive tank

this is what the tank currenly has

2x pearl gouramis
1x oppaline gourami
10x von rio tetras
6x cherry barbs
5x lemon tetras
2x otos
1x brislenose pleco
1x golden mystery snail

by the way the platy is a double bar platy

just needed some advice thank you please post
It should do well provided that the platy will have extra tankmates of its own species as they are social creatures that ideally should be in groups with a minimum number of around 3.
well there are none of his kind and everyone that i get it fights with the other one so we do not want to get a female because we do not want to deal with the whole haveing non stop babies for 6 months thing

thanks :)
He seems to be doing great in the tank and he adds alot of yellow
I have yet to find a platy that requires its own species to be present to thrive. Platies are not schooling fish after all. In general platies are also not aggressive but there are always exceptions.
Since you are seeing a positive response Zach, I would say that you have found your specific solution.
i 100 percent agree with oldman... we have platys and mollies and altho had origionally 3-6 of each (sadly have lost some due to tank problems) they never schooled together they were always off doing their own things. good luck with him in your new tank! sounds like he is doing great. who knows maybe one day after he mellows out he can be introduced back into t he old tank when you decide you want some 'non stop babies for 6 months thing'' XD

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