Diagnosing issues like this are difficult, as so many things can cause them, including genetic and injury in the past. Provided other fish are normal, I wouldn't worry over the loss of this one. Fish die; I have several hundred in my tanks and I lose a fish now and then, but provided it is not obviously related directly to something, or spreads, I don't worry.
Do regular water changes, 1/3 to 1/2 the tank volume weekly at a minimum; I apply this to any and all aquaria containing live fish. As the fry are in this tank (in the net), I wouldn't do more, but I would let the fry out as soon as it seems safe they won't be eaten; the net is stressful as they grow. Floating plants, thick, help with this.
Now to the chemicals...do not use pH adjusting products in tanks with fish, ever. First, they usually will not work [reason below], and second, all chemicals affect fish no matter what they are, so the fewer the better. As JD mentioned, a high pH is not a problem for livebearers, provided it is relatively stable. I would want to know your GH and KH too, which you can ascertain from your water supply folks (check their website).
I'll briefly explain about pH. This is closely connected to the GH (general hardness) and KH (carbonate hardness or Alkalinity) of the source water. The latter in particular (KH) acts to "buffer" or keep the pH stable, and chemicals to adjust the pH may do so immediately, but the KH will return the pH within 12-24 hours to where it was. This continues until the buffering capacity is extinguished (this depends upon the level of the KH) and then the pH could crash. The latter is deadly, and the fluctuating pH is very hard on fish. The fish must stabilize the pH of its blood to roughly equal the pH of the water it lives in, so this back and forth takes a serious toll on the fish's system, energy and the stress weakens the immune system.
I'm not saying the pH adjuster caused this, but it may have been a contributing factor, or it may not; it would however have further weakened the fish and that hasn't helped, whatever the issue may be.
While I was typing this, others posted, and you have mentioned changing the filter cartridge. Filters should be cleaned as needed to keep the water flow good. Cleaning means rinsing all the media. Replacement of the pads/floss/foam/sponge/media is usually not necessary for some time; if the floss/sponge-type media begins to shrink or fall apart so water can get around it, then it is time to replace it as it is no longer serving its purpose.
Hope this helps, feel free to ask further.