Newborn lobsters/crayfish


Fish Crazy
Jul 13, 2004
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Hi people :)

My female Australian blue lobster eggs are about to hatch. At the moment I'm seeing little legs and stuff waving from the egg sacs.

When they do emerge (which I hope will be soon) what an earth do I feed them and what can I do to ensure their survival??.

Any advice would be gratefully recieved :D
Take 1 large saucepan, fill with water and bring to the boil......!!!!! :p
The baby crawdaddies are, as far as I know, basically adults in miniature. I'd put them in a different aquarium from the mother (I'm not entirely sure this is necessary, but mom sure doesn't care for the babies in the wild) and feed them with whatever you feed your other crayfish, only ground up. Anyway, that's what I'd do, but I'm no expert.
Thanks Never2Bknown. At least that was more helpful then "Take 1 large saucepan, fill with water and bring to the boil......!!!!! "

So you didn't like my other idea of erecting an "exclusion zone" around each one with a cut down plastic bottle? :angry:

Ha! The boiling water it is then, never mind Narayan - it should make a nice romantic loster dinner for Ken & Barbie! :rofl:

Seriously, I hope they're OK (and look forward to seeing the one big fat survivor who has muched all the rest!) :D
We had this conversation on the phone already and... as I have said before, It is impossible in my tank.

The layout prevents that, and the little babies are nowhere to be seen at the moment.

Hooking them out to stick them in cut off plastic bottles would do them more harm than good.
No I think as usual you weren't listening. If you could tell me how I misunderstood that would be helpful. :)
Narayan, I work on a yabby farm i guess my information would help you alot better then others.
theres not much to it, good hiding places and give them the same diet as their mum. Most important you gotta make sure they can hide, Otherwise they will get eaten.
Well, there are lots of hiding places. Every now and then I look into the tank and panic 'cos I dont see any. But they seem to turn up now and then. I must remove mother Lobster/crayfish soon. Im just waiting for the rest of the babies to separate from Mum. :rolleyes:
Looks like you got everything under control!
Importantly u must feed your young calcium, which is found in alot of think.
When our yabbies spawn when we take out the mum we put tiny bits of egg shell in, their shellneeds to harden.

Welldone :D do you have any pics?
Yaaaaheeeey! they are alive and well. Ive separated mommy lobster/cray and they seem to be doing well at the moment (cross fingers).

Ive been dumping in crab cuisine which seems to have enough nutrients and calcium for them.

Thanks for the tip on eggshells samthefishman, I'd never have thought of that. Will try that later :)

Ooh! I'm SO excited to see the little dears! :wub:

Er, but I don't think I'll be putting any in with my proposed clown loaches!!!
Oh well, better buy ANOTHER tank! :( :/

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