
Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2022
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United Kingdom
Hello, I just got a 45-gallon tank. I wonder what to do with it, as the original idea was shell-dwellers, but that was decided when I thought I was getting a 30 or 35, not a 45. I currently have a 30-gallon long nano community, a 10-gallon block Black Tiger Dario/Badis tank, an 80-gallon high live-bearer pond with additional shrimp, various danios and wcm/gwcm. I also have a 35-gallon long with an axolotl called Fish, Son of Odin. (I also have tanks that have a breeding quad of lemon bristlenoses + two younger and a young quad of super reds.)

This tank will be going onto my new breeding rack; the two 35s above will be rams and apistos (separate tanks from each other). I initially thought I would get another 35, or maybe a 30, after the original 45 cracked in transit. (this will become a crab tank, so it will still be in use, just not on the rack).

However, I walked into a store and saw this tank for £40, ex-display. I grabbed it; they labelled it as a 30-gallon. But then, when I picked it up the next day and saw the actual spec of the tank on the lid, I saw it was a 45-gallon. (inches - 39x15.5x17.9 and cm - 99x39x45).

My tap is hard water. However, I also use RO for my soft water community and the apisto and ram breeding tanks.

I am curious as to what others would do in a tank this size and dimensions. It also has a nice fitted lid, my only tank that has a nice fitting lid. I am interested in trying larger fish; I never really got the opportunity to with the size tanks I have.

I want to try something new, something that I have not done before. And for that, I am not sure.
I could always do the shell dwellers, possibly with some julies, and make it a colourful semi-aggressive community. Or something else. (I don't mind doing species-only tanks).

Open to any ideas.

can always make it like mine...quite a few different types of fish/shrimp
can find the list of fish in my signature below...
View attachment 307230
can always make it like mine...quite a few different types of fish/shrimp
can find the list of fish in my signature below...
I'm sorry, but I can not find the list of fish; not sure what I am doing wrong, sorry.

I have a similar tank in my nano soft water community. It is not looking it's best at the moment as I am waiting on the trees to arrive alongside some more buce. I like the use of botanicals in it, I have a load myself and those will be going into both the nano community once it is fully on RO and the ram and apisto tanks.


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A great small community fish with a lot of character are peacock gudgeons. They can he kept in groups and they have a outgoing personality. If you want an idea of what they look like I have a thread I made about them I can link and I entered one into the fish of the month contest as well...
They can e aggressive with their own species but its always only chasing and flaring. The males may get into a flaring competition but they don't really fight, no damage is done.
They NORMALLY stay to the bottom to middle sections of the aquarium, but mine come up to the top to feed at times.
Overall, great fish, and they do well with most other fish too!
A great small community fish with a lot of character are peacock gudgeons. They can he kept in groups and they have a outgoing personality. If you want an idea of what they look like I have a thread I made about them I can link and I entered one into the fish of the month contest as well...
They can e aggressive with their own species but its always only chasing and flaring. The males may get into a flaring competition but they don't really fight, no damage is done.
They NORMALLY stay to the bottom to middle sections of the aquarium, but mine come up to the top to feed at times.
Overall, great fish, and they do well with most other fish too!
Thanks, peacock gudgeons are brilliant! I have a group myself, a trio and a group of younger ones bringing it up to about 8. They are in my nano community and are doing brilliantly in there. Definitely little characters.
Thanks, peacock gudgeons are brilliant! I have a group myself, a trio and a group of younger ones bringing it up to about 8. They are in my nano community and are doing brilliantly in there. Definitely little characters.
That's awesome!!
That's awesome!!
Tried my best to get photos of them, but I was doing it from a distance as the splash tetras were spawning.

One of the photos actually has at least three in view, but one is so tiny in comparison to the large female.


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Tried my best to get photos of them, but I was doing it from a distance as the splash tetras were spawning.

One of the photos actually has at least three in view, but one is so tiny in comparison to the large female.
Really cool!! They are stunning little fish.
Here is a picture of my female gudgeon:
I'm sorry, but I can not find the list of fish; not sure what I am doing wrong, sorry.
There is a setting in your account to show or hide signatures and it sounds as though yours is set to hide them.

In your account, go to the preferences section. Show/hide signatures is the last item in 'content options'.
There is a setting in your account to show or hide signatures and it sounds as though yours is set to hide them.

In your account, go to the preferences section. Show/hide signatures is the last item in 'content options'.
I do have it enabled, I even triple checked, yet it is not showing for some strange reason.
Lovely, my male has disappeared at the moment, otherwise I'd have gotten a photo of him as well.
Yah. They hide in their "man caves" a lot, don't they? 😂
Mine has been out more lately...

Gorgeous fish.
I do have it enabled, I even triple checked, yet it is not showing for some strange reason.
Are you on a mobile device such as a phone? It doesn't show on phones no matter what
Mine went in the tank and never came back out.
Yah. They hide in their "man caves" a lot, don't they? 😂
Mine has been out more lately...
View attachment 307279
Gorgeous fish.

Are you on a mobile device such as a phone? It doesn't show on phones no matter what
Yes, I am. Sadly brother broke my computer so I am only on mobile at the moment. Will try turning to desktop mode and see whether that will show them.
Mine went in the tank and never came back out.
How long ago did you get yours?
Expect fry. They will stay in their caves for a LOOOONG time. To the point yoy think their dead 😂
But really they want a female to join them and then lay eggs. Then the male stays there guarding the eggs and oxygenating them.

Luckily after a VERY long time, he is now starting to show himself a bit more... Could be due to the change up in the decor layout.

Yes, I am. Sadly brother broke my computer so I am only on mobile at the moment. Will try turning to desktop mode and see whether that will show them.
Ah man.... So sorry. I understand sibling troubles more than you know 😂
Hopefully you can fix that up soon and get it running.

You can ALSO click into people's profiles and go to their "about" section and it shows their signature no matter what device you are on.
I use my phone a lot for this site

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