First, I'm sorry so many of your fish have died. I imagine you're pretty disappointed in this new tank right now, but we will help you figure this out. There is some more information you could give us that would be helpful:
Did you transfer the filter media over to your new 55 gallon? (Wondering if you are now dealing with an uncycled tank)
What filter are you running on this tank? (Wondering if it is filtered sufficiently)
You've added a lot of fish all at once which might be too much for the bacteria in the filter (assuming you transferred the filter media with the fish to the new tank). Your tank might be in a mini-cycle, where the bacteria needs to catch up with the increased bio-load.
It would have been better to get 3-4 new fish and quarantine them before adding them to the tank. New fish often bring parasites and infections with them which can then infect the entire tank.
Is it possible some cleaning solvent has gotten into your tank? Did you wash/rinse everything that you put into the tank? Is there a new decoration that may be unsafe? (sometimes the paint can flake and leak toxins into the water)
How about the heater? Do you have a thermometer on the tank? What temperature is your water?
The test strips may be able to tell you approximately what is going on, but they are really unreliable. It is recommended to test your tank with a liquid test kit, and the one you really need right now is the Ammonia test. I doubt it though, that it was Ammonia that killed your fish in 2 days, but we really need to know that reading to be sure. Some LFS offer to test the water for you, ask them to give you the number of the Ammonia reading.
Did you observe the fish before they died, were they staying at the bottom of the tank, hiding, or were they at the top, near the surface, gasping perhaps? Do you see them rubbing themselves on decorations and rocks, do you see spots on the fish, like they were sprinkled with salt, or do you see worm-like things hanging off them?
I am unsure about the compatibility of your stocking, so I won't comment on that. Though it is good to ask on here about fish compatibility, there are many members who are very knowledgeable. The sales people are often to blame for bad situations new hobbyists find themselves in, so I would not recommend to take their advice alone.