My River Reef 94 Marine Adventure!

well still up at 01.29 am. just sat down happy as I;m going to be with the scaping I;ve done on my new tank. This scaping game is harder tha I imagined. its millipytted in and staying where it is now, once my corals present and futire grow it will all blend in and look great I am sure

Picked up the river reef 94l tonight and been busy once football finished :sad: till now

Its now in living room which is better for me as I;l see more of it than my sons room

The lighting is bright!! the fans make a racket and the so does the skimmer!!!! and theres millions of plugs

It has two different bright lights that are t5s on two racks of 2 bulbs making 4 in total. It also has the moonlight leds which make the riccordea look amazing as its illuminous

my toadstool seemshappier with the extra lighting andflow and is fully out already

It has a berlin 60 skimmer not sure how that works and two powerheads

There are 3 chambers the first has rowas in second has filter sponges and plastic mesh balls and the third has the heater and skimmer. I;m aware filter media frowned upon can someone advise me how to utilise the three chambers

theres also a koralia 1 powerhead in the tank as well so plenty of flow between that and the two outflow pipes from powerhead

pics to follow tomorrow its too late now and I;ve a busy workday tomorrow. I shall be sorry I stayed up so late

anyway I;m made up with the tank its a step up from the other one

night for now! simon
Ah ha, see what your priorities are now Simon: Football, fish tank and then sleep

Take any sponges, noodles, balls - which you have probably already done? Replace with Rowa, small submersible light for chaeto and maybe carbon, wont matter in which order

Looking forward to the photos and bet its not long till you buy something bigger :look:

Seffie x
well I;m loving my new tankand the fact its in the living room as enhancing the experience for me, I just find myself watching my tank instead
I can see the benefitsof the extra flow and lighting the likes of the toadstool looks so much happier!!

anyway pics



















i love your sun coral :drool: i wish i had the time to feed them so i could get some. :sad: your tank is loooking great :good: are going to put some more live rock in?
i love your sun coral :drool: i wish i had the time to feed them so i could get some. :sad: your tank is loooking great :good: are going to put some more live rock in?

cheers Harry

I wasn;t going to put more rock in, do you think it needs some?

I;m hoping that as time goes by and I;ve added the likes of a pulsing xenia and maybe one last coral a torch that all the gaps will be filled as the others will have spread as well

I think it needs something to fill the top spacebut maybe I;ll put the xenia near the top to fill the gap and hide the back ofthe tank

the sun coral is ace, been easy to feed so far although I need to get a gauge of how much they actually need to consume at each sitting, the "flower heads" are really sticky so grab the foodrelatively well, needs the pumps switching off though

still not sure what to do with the skimmer as I placed it so that cup out of water but it was soon just full of water , I though it was supposed to just collect foam, I may make some enquiries this weekend
Thats looking really nice Simon and dont forget you will often get more live rock with corals :good: how much live rock have you got?

Pull out that hair algae whilst there is only a little bit :look:

Your toadstool looks a nice one, you might however want to move it from the centre, looks nice now but they grow really quickly and will take over that centre stage for you.

Good job :good:

seffie x
ps some zoas would look nice
Thats looking really nice Simon and dont forget you will often get more live rock with corals :good: how much live rock have you got?

Pull out that hair algae whilst there is only a little bit :look:

Your toadstool looks a nice one, you might however want to move it from the centre, looks nice now but they grow really quickly and will take over that centre stage for you.

Good job :good:

seffie x
ps some zoas would look nice

I;ve got some zoas lol but only 8 heads on it I would like some more eventually
I;ll do the algae hair later it came with the coral
I bought about 12 kgs of live rock but it looks less since I broke all the rocks in last tank

I love the toadstool but I;m with you on moving it its just hard to place it as it needs wedging between two rocks

I;m pleased with the tank so far can;t stop looking at it :blush:
ok it just looked like it needed more. you have enough like rock in there.
my tank has no more room for coral :sad: the only ones i an get is a plate and maybe a brain coral but thats it :sad: i would like more lps corals but i have no space :sad:
looks really good to me well done also remember the toadstall may attach to rocks near like mine did then the rock fell and riped its base it never recovered from that and i now have no toadstall
Been naughty today and bought some things and was given others!!! oops!!!

Bought a toadtsool coral of some kind yesterday advertised as Leather Toadstool coral? £20
when i put it in it came out with all the polyps and looked gorgeous, its been withdrawn since then


just read through my journal and noticed my zoa only had 4 heads its now got 8 with another about to open up!! happy days

the xenia frag never came to anything just seemed to melt away

Bought a new fish yesterday a lawnmower blenny called Dave (wifes idea), love him to bits he has so much character .

also got a big pulsing xenia on rock for £20

I'm moving quicker than I planned and know is sensible :blush: do corals add bioload or can addding them adversly effect an immature tank like lots of fish would?

reason I ask is a local reefer who I got the riccordea and zoa from has texted offering me his torch coral which was lovely when I saw it the other week

the gorgeous xenia adds so much to the tank



my lovely halloween crab that was a freebie

the suns been out today!

Dave the Blenny very camera shy


kenya tree is growing every day

love my toadstool

from the front and from the side


did some tests and nitrite and ammonia dead 0 but nitrate was 10
temp fluctuates between 25 and 26.5 during day depending on lights on or off
have a look at my zoas, they;re starting to spread but on a rock thats got the riccordeas on, will this cause probems in futire or should i split them now, plusone of the riccordeas heads (it has 4) is dangling offthe side of the rock could probably move it but how do you do this?

cheers Simon
Shouldnt cause any problems however the ricordia is probably getting ready to jump off that rock - don't laugh, they do :lol: just pick it up and move it, but be warned, they will move if they dont like where you put them and they are a rpta if they decide to go behind the rocks :hyper:

Seffie x
cheers seffie

when or iff it comes off how should i stick it down?

plus my fans in my hood are causing me major grief, they are so noisey and a google search reveals that its the major complaint about this tank

By dismantling the hood and cleaning the fans etc I have inadvertantly disconnected them, I;ll have to put them back on at some point later but for now just enjoying the peace and quiet
if there just pc fans get some quite ones from a pc store thats what i did with my orca tl450

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