My New 90/115L Freshwater Journal - Any Suggestions Welcome!


Mostly New Member
Nov 25, 2013
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Hey guys! I'm relatively new to this fish thing and am currently 15 years old in Australia :)
I figured the best way to get started would be to introduce myself to a bunch of people educated on the matter! So for starters here's the basics, 
  • About 1 or 2 months ago my grandpa sprung two tanks upon my 12 year old sister and I. With the help of the internet, my dad (who has owned fish in the past) and my seemingly well educated grandpa we managed to get things worked out and so far so good (I guess). 
  • The tanks were exactly the same to begin with and my grandpa had set them up for us - 13L freshwater heated tank, 1x betta, 4x golden white cloud minnow, 1x peppered corydoras. As with all tanks there have been some casualties (possibly because I was unprepared which I feel very bad about, I just didn't have the time to get informed before I was given the tank) and my sister lost 2 of her minnows (leaving her other two a bit lonely) and I have lost 1 minnow and the betta (unknown cause, potentially a previous illness after we asked several fish experts). 
  • YES, the tanks were overstocked which is why we are hoping to set up new tanks with better information! I am really enjoying getting into this fish hobby and I would to do good by my fish, not how my grandpa had previously set it up. However, I would appreciate any opinions you guys have because I hope to start setting up the tank in my upcoming school holidays (my sister will be doing the same with hers with the help of my dad, although her fish choices etc. will be quite different I'm guessing) because I feel as though I need to slow down and get the basics first. I know about the nitrogen cycle etc. although I still need to read more but that's enough random information for you and now I'll get onto the actual fish stuff.
Specs of Planned Tank
90L or 115L (depending on the final decision and fish choices)
I plan to use live plants too!
Potential Fish Choices Are Attached As An Image
NB I plan to include some of these, by no means all of them and if I chose a molly I would only do one kind of molly. 
Some questions I need to answer/things I need to do before I can begin:
  1. Fishless or with fish(?) cycle (the fish expert I have talked to says do it with fish but most forums say fishless)?
  2. Decide on which fish are good and in what combinations. 
  3. All the rest of my questions have left me :p I'll edit them in later perhaps. 
So if you have any suggestions/comments or answers to any of my questions I would love to hear from you!


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For some strange reason (don't know if it's a setting of the forum or just my computer) I cannot edit my original post. Perhaps that's normal. Either way I would like to add some information to that!
  • I read through that post again and realised that I didn't mention how much I do or don't know about fish. I know about cycling the fish, temp, basic conditions etc, and essentially all the stuff you would find in a freshwater aquarium setup manual (I have found a particularly good one and have relied on its information but have double checked with other sources). 
  • I also realise that when I said slightly overstocked, I meant that the tanks were seriously overstocked to begin with and are getting better but still aren't quite right. 
  • My plans for the betta's replacement (after the other sadly died I decided that I would be getting a new one as well) - I will be keeping the tank I currently have (13L as mentioned above) and will be keeping the betta fish and peppered corydoras in there. I understand that the cory would like a partner but a) my space is limited and b) apparently he will be happy anyway? The minnows might be moved to my sister's tank or the new one but are not really a big deal either way and I'll sort something out for them.
  • I will also be adding to that shortlist with the following information - size of group, water hardness and swimming level. 
If I'm reading this chart correctly, you plan on most if not all of these fish going into your tank? That would be overstocking it A LOT and some of them are unsuitable for this size tank.
So your planned tank is going to be 23-30g.
If it doesn't have (if 30g) next to it, then I -think- it may be okay with the 23g. And unsuitable is unsuitable.
I know you said you're going to update the chart with group sizes but still I put them here anyways.
Sailfin Molly (if 30g)
Black Molly
Lyretail Molly (if 30g)
Glass Catfish, requires a group of 6+, though much more would be best as these can be timid (If I remember correctly)
Tiger Barb, requires group of 6+, pick tank mates carefully as they can be quite nippy (if 30g)
Clown Loach, requires group of 6+, unsuitable for this tank size.
Cherry Barb, requires groups of 6+
Marbled Hatchet, requires groups of 6+
Endler's Livebearer
Peppered Cory, requires groups of 6+
Dario Botia Loach, requires groups of 6+ -- I'd think to have these in the proper group would be too much bioload for this tank, or taking up all of it
Redtail Shark, unsuitable for this tank size
Flame Dwarf Gourami
Kuhli Loach, requires groups of 6+
The ones that can fit, cannot all be in there together, that would still be too much, as well as some having compatibility issues (such as the tiger barbs)
I strongly recommend you removing the peppered cory from your betta tank. It gets to 4", much too small for a 3g. And yes it does require a group, it will not be happy on it's own.
The fish that require groups can be found in hundreds and thousands in the wild.
By the way, do you have a heater for the betta?
Also strongly recommend you do a fishless cycle. It will be so much better for the fish. If you havn't already, take a look at the Cycling article at the top of the page.
I believe the Ammonia you can get around there is called Cloudy Ammonia(?)
I am sorry to come off negatively, just find it better to fix everything before it happens. Also sorry for putting things into gallons & inches :p
If anything I wrote was wrong, someone feel free to correct me. I especially don't know much about the glass catfish & livebearers.
No that's fine! I really appreciate the information. I meant to edit the original post but didn't get a chance to add the following - no I certainly don't mean to have all those fish! It is just that those are the fish I am choosing from. I will move the Cory for sure if that's what he would be happiest with. I definitely do have a heater for the betta. I was given a lot of equipment so that isn't really as much of an issue. Also, with the clown loach, I understand that they can get very big, however there is a very good fish shop that is happy to house fish that get a bit too but of course I would only do this once I know exactly how they handle taking the fish back (they are very good so it shouldn't be a problem, any ideas about this?).
Ah okay

If you really like the cory then could get some more when you cycle this new tank and they could be your bottom dwellers?
Unless you prefer one of the other bottom-dwellers then you could just re-home it.
Glad to hear you have a heater for your betta, I just wanted to make sure

Clown loaches should be kept in a 6ft+ tank, and imo you should never buy a fish you can't house for life.
Okay, thanks though, really. It's good to know at least I'm on the right track!

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