180l tank journal


Fish Fanatic
Nov 30, 2024
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I have recently bought a 180l tank(1m long, 45cm high, 40cm wide). It’s a second hand tank and is currently home to my 8 long finned leopard danios and a panda garra(9’d of my panda garras unfortunately got killed by the filter in the new tank. A few days ago I bought a pair of Bolivian rams( the LFS thought she got a male and female less sure as they have started to fight) and a BN pleco they are currently in my old 75l and will be quarantined for 3-4 weeks. Here’s some photos of the new tank and new fish. Any ideas on plants that are easy to grow few a beginner would be helpful and here’s the outcome after all the help I’ve had with stocking( probably not done tho).


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The other garra has now died not sure why but could be because of many different factors( new tank, maybe lack of oxygen, not eating) not sure but will continue keeping the Danios in the tank to make sure it’s okay for when I add the rams and BN in a few weeks.
I have just done a test and have 1 on the nitrite test and 20 on nitrate so need to keep it low now. My plan is to add my 2 Anubis in my driftwood to the 180l
Any ideas on plants that are easy to grow few a beginner would be helpful
Hygrophila polysperma
Rotala rotundifolia
Limnophila sessiliflora
Bolbitis heudelotii
Java Fern
Java moss
Bucephalandra & Anubias
Cryptocoryne (crypt melt will occur)

Remember to follow cycling guides. A non-cycled tank can be detrimental to fish especially those that are less hardy. If you have any other issues with parameters do post a thread so experienced members can help with your situation :)
I am hoping it’s now okay but my tank was second hand so assume cycled and did all the same things I did with my 75l. However I am beginnning to believe as the filter was part of a 3 pack of cartridges and received 2 i think it was running for one month and then changed. The tank has no ammonia and the readings I have posted for the nitrite and nitrate. I am now doing tests every day and did a 40 percent water change today. Also I was concerned the filter wasn’t producing enough oxygen so moved it higher so there is more bubbles and current produced. To anyone new I would not recommend the interpret CF3 it wants replacement things( one for algae and not to sure what the other does) in every month and isn’t great and pumping lots of water and will cost a lot in the long run and if you do get one make sure you seal any holes. I’ll have a look at all those plants and see what will look best in my aquarium.
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Have done another test and the nitrites are now closer to 0.5, and the nitrate are still around 10-20 slow but slight improvement. I have decided to change how my filter runs(hoping to change it in the next few days) currently I have the aqua tropic easy CF3( internal filter). I am going to take out the cartridges and add some biomedia and some sponges, will send a photo when done just waiting for the biomedia and sponges needed to arrive. This is what the current filter looks like but without half the biomedia as the company only give you half. I’m going to add the my tetra tec 400+ once I have decided to not add anymore fish. I will add the rams and BN after a week of no nitrite( and ammonia but has been consistently low-0). The problem with the filter is it only seems to half cycle the tank and not fully and I have to pay £12 a month to get new cartridges. I’m the kind of person who loves to research new fish even though I know I’m not going to get any in a month/ whenever the tank is fully cycled but would like ideas on species that would work with the other tank mates and like high water flow. That’s what the filter currently looks like.


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Update on the tanks, they’re have been assassin snails in the quarantine tank who have enjoyed eating lots of snails. A moss ball,3 plants pots have been bought along with 4 new plants(echinoderms ozelot red, lilaeopsis novea-zealandia, cryptocoryne wendtii green, lobelia cardinalis dwarf) And Bruce(my Bristlenose is loving life. The filter has been adapted and is now working better I think. One danio has vanished but the others seem happy. Here’s some photos of the tanks
and Bruce.
Today is moving day. Bruce and the rams will go to the 180l along with the filter and ornaments. After the water having 0 ammonia, nitrite and very little nitrate for a week and a half. I might also get some fish tomorrow but not sure whether that’s the right thing to do or not? I might also place an order for some floating plants in the next few days.
All fish moved and look happy. There is quite a lot algae in the tank which I have just let happen for the past couple of weeks. There has also been no water change for 2 weeks as over the time the levels have decreased but now will get back into the routine of regular water changes. Here’s some photos of the fish and the tank.
Is the fish in the pic a Bolivian Ram?

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