My 55 Gallon Saltwater Aquarium

can we get an update with pics.

please don't flame guys, if he wants to do a fish cycle them let him, it is stupid to flame but it is okay to give advice

i wish you the best with your tank :thumbs:
can we get an update with pics.

please don't flame guys, if he wants to do a fish cycle them let him, it is stupid to flame but it is okay to give advice

i wish you the best with your tank :thumbs:
I will get an update with Pics in the Next couple of days.

This makes not so good reading, and the shop in question wants ringing and been given a good earfull, talking advatage of a 13 year old..GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR
With the use of live rock and live sand there is no need to stress out anything living, thats what I love about marine. You dont get that option with freshwater. Its either get hold of cultured gravel/filter media or you have to use the fish food method and last resort is a few hardy fish.
Its hard to believe that such bad advise is being given out by a shop who cares nothing for its stock, I wouldnt use such a place on prinsiple!
Just make the best of bad job, take stats every other day and do water changes as needed, lots of them!! Its not your fault the flippin shop owners should know better!!...GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR
But a word to the wise.. Please listen to the peeps on here..they do know what they are atalking about and thier only concern is you and your fish, not what is in your wallet!
our concern is for the fish only, we indirectly concern you because if the fish are happy and colorful, chances are you will be happy and, well maybe not colorful....
then tell them youve finished cycleing and all ur levels are good, the stores done a good job lying to you now its ur turn
then tell them youve finished cycleing and all ur levels are good, the stores done a good job lying to you now its ur turn

They will test the Water... I would but, they will not take them back.

mix up fresh saltwater, match it to ur tank water, then take them back
mix up some fresh saltwater, match the ph, temp, salinity etc take in to the lfs and ask them to test it, it will test 0 0 0 then they should let you take the fish back, use the new water to take em back also

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