Mostly New Member
Okay, so firstly Hi, my name is Hamza, I'm from the UK and am rather new to the hobby (and this site).
and I want to apologise for having such a long post, I just really don't want any fish to die.
I have just finished my 1st year of university, and liked the idea of getting a fish tank to help de-stress, as I've been told it can be very relaxing to watch the fish swim, and have fun in their tank.
However as i'm the only carer for the fish... (Do I get carers allowance?), it's not very calming right now!!!
So to explain it all met me start by saying I started with a small 25 Litre tank that housed 8 fish, (3 Black Emperor Tetras, 2 Glow-light Tetras, 2 Leopard Danios, and one Boesemani Rainbow). Now after about 2 weeks one of the Leopard Danios died, it was being bullied by the Boesemani Rainbow, and looks like it had been bullied to death, (Bottom of the fish looks like it had been frayed/bit). One month into keeping the fish, I decided I wanter to upgrade the tank giving them more room to swim, and have fun. to having researched for about a week, I would a great deal on a Clear-Seal 3ft Fish Tank. I took the opportunity and bought the item, and started to order new accessories for the tank. During this time frame, my mother decided to buy some Angel fish as she liked their peaceful manner, so they were added to the small tank.
Now I will point out that at this stage I was checking water quality every couple of days, and only had high Nitrite levels above 25. I was told if it was below 50 the fish are okay.
After about 1 week of having the tank delivered, and now having received all the accessories I decided to set it up. So I went ahead, added the substrate, added new (rinsed) gravel, and some (rinsed) sand. I then also added the plants, some potted, some bunched, to give a more natural look to the aquarium. I made sure that all my airlines, well the two I wanted to use, were all under the substrate, gravel, and sand, so nothing but the air stone could be seen so I went ahead and filled the tank 1/2 way, and added my decor. Filling the rest of the tank, and turing on the filter, heater, air pump, and making sure the lighting was working, on a timer. As I was aware I had to cycle the tank, But I didn't want to wait 2 or so weeks or even months, so I decided to do some research. I did let the tank cycle for 1 day, in which the water did go cloudy.
I read that as I was UPGRADING from a small tank, I could use the filter medium or the whole filter to give me a head start in producing some of the beneficial bacteria. so I decided to add some of the water from my old tank, and come of the equipment, as it could hold small amounts of beneficial bacteria. As I also have younger cousins aged 3/10, they were a little too eager to have the fish in the larger tank, so I decided to add the fish, starting with my 2 glow-light tetras and the angel fish, then after around 5 hours, I added the others.
I woke up this morning, as I usually do and counted the number of fish, they were all there. I tested the water, (I was testing every day, as it was a new tank), and all tests were fine, and I fed the fish as I usually do. I had to pop out of the house for the reminder of the day, but when I got home, I was trying to count the fish, and I couldn't find one, I was looking in the plants, as this is how the Leopard Danio was found, but no. I just assumed it was hiding behind all the decor. after about 20 mins, when I sat down near the tank, I noticed something at the bottom of the filter, at first I thought it was one of the plants, (The bunched one kept coming loose) but it wasn't it was my missing Glow-Light.. I hurried to take the fish out, and checked it, it was dead, I was so surprised, there was no odd behaviour, she was eating well, and looked to have a full belly of eggs too. The only thing I could notice was slight red-ish-ness on she gills. I tested the water, and all reading again were fine, other fish seamed fine, and were enjoying exploring the tank. So I went on the research and read about ammonia poisoning ad that its effect can be this red colouring. however the ammonia levels were at a constant 0. I was truly confused as to what had happened.
Therefore here I am, asking the experts. I am going to be removing a lot of the decor tomorrow morning, as I feel it looks too busy, there's a lot going on. but it doesn't explain what's happening.
For anyone that wants to know, I'm using:
Superfish Aqua-Flow 100 internal filter (The old one, but the one the fish was under)
Hagen Marina Internal Aquarium Filter i110 (The new one)
Fluval E-Series Heater 100w
Tetra APS 100 Air Pump
If anyone has any advice, or comments please help me, I don't think i'll be in the hobby much if this is what's gonna happen. I can't afford to keep buying more fish, once others die.
I can upload a picture of my tank so you can see what's going on in there.
Thank you in advance
and I want to apologise for having such a long post, I just really don't want any fish to die.
I have just finished my 1st year of university, and liked the idea of getting a fish tank to help de-stress, as I've been told it can be very relaxing to watch the fish swim, and have fun in their tank.
However as i'm the only carer for the fish... (Do I get carers allowance?), it's not very calming right now!!!
So to explain it all met me start by saying I started with a small 25 Litre tank that housed 8 fish, (3 Black Emperor Tetras, 2 Glow-light Tetras, 2 Leopard Danios, and one Boesemani Rainbow). Now after about 2 weeks one of the Leopard Danios died, it was being bullied by the Boesemani Rainbow, and looks like it had been bullied to death, (Bottom of the fish looks like it had been frayed/bit). One month into keeping the fish, I decided I wanter to upgrade the tank giving them more room to swim, and have fun. to having researched for about a week, I would a great deal on a Clear-Seal 3ft Fish Tank. I took the opportunity and bought the item, and started to order new accessories for the tank. During this time frame, my mother decided to buy some Angel fish as she liked their peaceful manner, so they were added to the small tank.
Now I will point out that at this stage I was checking water quality every couple of days, and only had high Nitrite levels above 25. I was told if it was below 50 the fish are okay.
After about 1 week of having the tank delivered, and now having received all the accessories I decided to set it up. So I went ahead, added the substrate, added new (rinsed) gravel, and some (rinsed) sand. I then also added the plants, some potted, some bunched, to give a more natural look to the aquarium. I made sure that all my airlines, well the two I wanted to use, were all under the substrate, gravel, and sand, so nothing but the air stone could be seen so I went ahead and filled the tank 1/2 way, and added my decor. Filling the rest of the tank, and turing on the filter, heater, air pump, and making sure the lighting was working, on a timer. As I was aware I had to cycle the tank, But I didn't want to wait 2 or so weeks or even months, so I decided to do some research. I did let the tank cycle for 1 day, in which the water did go cloudy.
I read that as I was UPGRADING from a small tank, I could use the filter medium or the whole filter to give me a head start in producing some of the beneficial bacteria. so I decided to add some of the water from my old tank, and come of the equipment, as it could hold small amounts of beneficial bacteria. As I also have younger cousins aged 3/10, they were a little too eager to have the fish in the larger tank, so I decided to add the fish, starting with my 2 glow-light tetras and the angel fish, then after around 5 hours, I added the others.
I woke up this morning, as I usually do and counted the number of fish, they were all there. I tested the water, (I was testing every day, as it was a new tank), and all tests were fine, and I fed the fish as I usually do. I had to pop out of the house for the reminder of the day, but when I got home, I was trying to count the fish, and I couldn't find one, I was looking in the plants, as this is how the Leopard Danio was found, but no. I just assumed it was hiding behind all the decor. after about 20 mins, when I sat down near the tank, I noticed something at the bottom of the filter, at first I thought it was one of the plants, (The bunched one kept coming loose) but it wasn't it was my missing Glow-Light.. I hurried to take the fish out, and checked it, it was dead, I was so surprised, there was no odd behaviour, she was eating well, and looked to have a full belly of eggs too. The only thing I could notice was slight red-ish-ness on she gills. I tested the water, and all reading again were fine, other fish seamed fine, and were enjoying exploring the tank. So I went on the research and read about ammonia poisoning ad that its effect can be this red colouring. however the ammonia levels were at a constant 0. I was truly confused as to what had happened.
Therefore here I am, asking the experts. I am going to be removing a lot of the decor tomorrow morning, as I feel it looks too busy, there's a lot going on. but it doesn't explain what's happening.
For anyone that wants to know, I'm using:
Superfish Aqua-Flow 100 internal filter (The old one, but the one the fish was under)
Hagen Marina Internal Aquarium Filter i110 (The new one)
Fluval E-Series Heater 100w
Tetra APS 100 Air Pump
If anyone has any advice, or comments please help me, I don't think i'll be in the hobby much if this is what's gonna happen. I can't afford to keep buying more fish, once others die.
I can upload a picture of my tank so you can see what's going on in there.
Thank you in advance