HELP! My most outgoing, happy and person friendly fish, a female platinum Balloon Mollie (who regularly lets me hand feed her) had a 360 degree personality and behavior switch since giving birth to 5 fry about 2 weeks ago. She was the most outgoing fish in my tank and dominated even over my lone male while she was pregnant. I missed seeing her labor. Found her in the morning hiding behind the filter and 5 baby fry swimming in the baby hide. First thing I noticed is that the white rims of her eyes had turned pitch black as coal. It was spooky. Thought maybe labor wasn't over, but no more fry since. OK, 2 weeks later her desire to hide and shyness becomes increasingly worse daily. She is petrified and literally shoving herself into places she doesn't fit (I have no idea how). She won't even come out for her favorite treat of brine shrimp. After 2 or 3 days of not eating at all I moved her into a hospital tank that I keep populated / seeded with three small Neon Tetra. She even hid behind the foam filter from them. So, I put the Tetras in the main tank to hopefully give her some peace.. Alone in the hospital tank, she comes out to just nibble at favorite foods, and only if it is totally dark, and then hides again. When she becomes scared and tries to hide, her eye rims turn pitch black again, and when she is calmer they go back to white. Any ideas folks? It is the weirdest thing. I cannot keep her in that little tank forever. Any thoughts most welcome. PS: All other adult fishies are just fine and the fry are thriving. Thanks for your advice.