Mini Spawn Diary; version 2.0

Widdle babies!!!! :hyper: They are absolutely adorable! :wub: :wub: :wub: I might be interested in one as well... I do have this extra tank just sitting around waiting for someone special. :whistle:
"Hi! I'm ready for my closeup!"
They are so cute! Is that a little orange BBS-filled belly I saw there?
Kiarra said:
They are so cute! Is that a little orange BBS-filled belly I saw there?
Yep, sure is! :D
I can't stop taking pics of these guys... we had our first real water change today (because they're finally big enough I feel confident that I can spot them if I accidentally suck one up) and they all crowded into one corner, hehe. I had just been adding water up until now, but I feel a lot better now that I've gotten most of the snail crap off the bottom :rolleyes:

"Ruuuun! It's the turkey baster!!"

Today is our two-week birthday, yaaaay!

They are actually starting to look like bettas now. They have cute little betta heads on tadpole bodies, and tiny little caudal fins :wub:
The biggest ones are nearly three times the size of the smallest, but they all look healthy regardless of size. Some of them are turning dark-bodied... hopefully that means I'll be getting some different colours :)

I did have to quarantine 5 fry because they have weird little white spots on their tails. They look healthy aside from that and eat like little pigs, so I have no clue what it is yet. It might be nothing :dunno:
Pics of the quarantine babies :)

when i see them i them i can imagin little squeeky voices saying "feeed meee!" lol
The babies are three weeks old today, woohoo!! :D They actually look like bettas now!!
As you might be able to tell, some of them (about 10) either have finrot-mauled fins or are just clamping their tiny caudals. I'm going to switch to changing their water twice a day just incase. Maybe one of you can tell me if their fins look normal or not? They act just like all the others :/
Other than that, everyone looks healthy! The only mortalities were really tiny fry who spent their time on the bottom and never ate much to begin with, so I'm assuming they were just unhealthy from the get-go. There are still three incredibly tiny fry who look healthy, and I have them separated into a cup (yes, a cup... told you they were small) so they are better able to catch food and whatnot.
They're aware of their surroundings now and are interacting with one-another and following the snails around :wub:. Some of them have tiny dorsal fins now, and some don't.

See the weird fin on the one in the foreground?

Closeup of another one with a wonky fin.. the others' tails are fanned out, not straight and clampy like this :/

Comparison of an average-sized fry to one of the tiny ones. See how much darker the big one is? Some are very dark, some are yellow/gold-tinted and some are almost white, regardless of size.
Fantastic diary! I love all of the clear! and the parents are gorgeous....can't believe you got the dad from a lfs, you are so lucky. :)
Increased water changes might give the little ones a chance to grow up a bit, too. Less anti-growth hormones in the water. That's why you'll notice the little ones catch up to siblings in size after jarring...that, and they'll have plenty of food all to themselves.

They definitely look like clamped fins.... They behaving exactly like their siblings? (sorry if you already mentioned's 3 o'clock in the morning and I can barely see straight) It's a bit too early for them to be nibbling on each other, so we should be able to rule out that, at least.

By and large, though, they're looking big and beautiful. And numerous!

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