
New Member
Jan 6, 2020
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Hello All,

I have recently inherited 4 Malawi Cichlids from a friend who could not accommodate them. I have had them for a month now and were originally around 1.5 inches. I’ve seen some growth maybe the largest one not far off 2 inches, but not quite. However I’m currently keeping them within a 56 litre aquarium, and very concerned this is far too small. How long do you think I could accommodate them for, before upgrading to a larger aquarium.
Also I’m looking at the Fluval Flex 123l to upgrade to, as it is an all in one. However could anyone recommend any other similar aquariums.
And how many Malawi cichlids (Mbuna) I believe could I stock in a 123 litre aquarium.
The yellow fish is an electric yellow cichlid (Labidochromis caeruleus) and is quite peaceful.
The blue fish looks like a blue zebra cichlid (Maylandia callainos) and get agro when mature.
The marble/ mottled fish looks like an OB zebra cichlid (
Pseudotropheus zebra) and gets agro when mature. OB is for orange blotch.
The white fish is an albino zebra cichlid, which also gets agro as they mature.

They should be fine for a couple of months in the smaller tank, but when they mature (around 3 inches long) they will need more space.
I don't know the tank dimensions for a 123 litre tank.
Most Mbuna and zebra cichlids need a tank that is at least 4 foot long.

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