Kribensis Fry


Fish Crazy
Apr 27, 2013
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I just looked in my Kribensis tank and have apprx 30 fry!! :) Question is, Should I remove the male or female from the tank or keep them in there? First time with Krib fry.
what?!? are you kidding me?! i've been trying for months! keep them in. they take care of the fry.
az9 said:
what?!? are you kidding me?! i've been trying for months! keep them in. they take care of the fry.
Thanks! I've had these ones for about a month now.
that is so not fare! 

i'm thinking about moving mine into the 10 gal by themselves so maybe they'll mate then.

can you post pics?
I would post pics, But they are so small! The parents keep them under the cave roof. I only saw them because I was checking something in the tank and saw something swimming around then noticed more and more of them. 

This is the best pic I could get. All those little spots in front of her are the fry.
oh i see them! that's great! i'm pretty sure after the fry are a couple weeks old you have to take them out of the tank because the parents will mate again and they'll start getting aggressive toward the older babies. 
I'm wondering how I do a water change with fry that small...Or do you not do one while they are still in the tank?
when i had swordtail fry i just dipped the bucket into the water and was very carful.
I don't do the buckets. I have a python water change system.
never herd of that. :p i wouldn't know then.

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