Killies In The Cupboard

All coming into place nicely..glad the plants came in handy,lol.....
ain't forgot about other stuff...waiting for the missus to go back on fri and then can go get elbow deep into the mud,lol
thanks for the link C
time for me to have a good think :lol:

ain't forgot about other stuff...waiting for the missus to go back on fri and then can go get elbow deep into the mud,lol
LOL, I thought you were keeping your head down BUD.
Yeah, give me a shout when you've washed your hands.
Just a few pics from this evenings feeding time.

Aphyosemion elberti Mali Mombal JVC 07



is most of the filteration for these guys water changes? or are they all filtered togther with a big one? maybe each has a smal filter.

Sorry if ive missed it, quite interested in these now - sure are some nice colours
i think each has a small stingray filter or sponge so that if a tank has a disease he can just keep the disease in that tank and not spread it to others.

Well, thats what I'd do.
Looks like there are sponge filters in each small tank - complete with a layer of activated carbon (black stuff) to suck up any nasties.... am I right BigC?

How you gonna get to reach nicely into the tanks for cleaning etc? Im quite suprised that you didnt fit sliders onto the shelves. (kitchen drawer sliders for example) Granted they wouldnt be able to take the tank weight at full extension but if you lost half the water they would be fine...

You gonna remove the tanks for cleaning?
The filtration in the larger tanks is a simple box type filter available for your LFS for a few quid each with HR Carbon and floss as media.

How you gonna get to reach nicely into the tanks for cleaning etc? Im quite suprised that you didnt fit sliders onto the shelves. (kitchen drawer sliders for example) Granted they wouldnt be able to take the tank weight at full extension but if you lost half the water they would be fine...
You gonna remove the tanks for cleaning?

I can get my arm right into those slots quite easily, the photos may be a little deceptive. I have always done waterchanges on a religious basis so a small bore airline attached to a Bic biro pen shaft is my tool of choice for syphoning debris out of the tanks and a funnel and jug for the replenishment. I could use a very small wave pump but I just do it my way.

I've always used turkey baster for pin point cleaning, best one I ever got was from Sains****, great action LOL
That is such an Excellent setup.

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