Japanese Themed Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 17, 2015
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Hi! I have a japan theme going on in my tank but I'm at a loss for a background.
Everything is either ocean themed or river themed.
I was thinking about going to the craft store and either making a background by piecing together metallic origami paper...
Or buying a Japanese themed poster (like cherry blossoms) and cutting it to fit and taping it on the back.
I have even used gift wrap in the past as a background if only I could find bamboo printed that wasn't $20 ;)
I'll give you guys a before and after when I decide how to do a japanese themed backdrop!
I love this idea! Looking forward to pictures!
Hi, I noticed your post with your paintings.... why dont you paint your own one?  Your pictures were good and im sure you could do a similiar idea but with a japanese theme!
Go on try it..... :)
freerunner416 said:
Hi, I noticed your post with your paintings.... why dont you paint your own one?  Your pictures were good and im sure you could do a similiar idea but with a japanese theme!
Go on try it..... :)
I *thought* about that but I don't know.
I settled on a poster of Van goghs cherry blossoms and I hope to cut it on and attach to the back. Some of my fav things are: Van Gogh, Japan and fish. So hopefully its perfect :)

go with a pale green solid background instead of black. It will give it a foggy feel. Bamboo stalks make a great backdrop.
I hate the way it looks. It isn't bright enough! I couldn't find bamboo backdrops. I cut down a poster and even tried adding white cardboard behind it and it doesn't help. I moved the plants forward thinking they were casting shadows...didn't help.
I could try brighter bulbs than the ones that came with the tank? I will probably just rip it out and try something different. Ugh! I really wanted this to work! :-/

White sand would brighten it up and when I think of Japanese style I think of zen gardens and bamboo. Go to a hardware store that has bamboo flooring samples, take a pic of it and have it printed so the right size for the background. Just a thought. 
I wonder if I could cut a straw mat down and tape it to the back of the tank?
Alternatively I could buy real bamboo for the tank, it's $3 each at my lps but I was told I would have to trim it as it grows tall and that sounds like a pain.
I wonder if I could just buy a bamboo sample and cut it to fit from the back of my glass vs. Printing a picture? There's gotta be a way to make it "pop".
I was told white sand and gravel shows everythingggg so I opted against it. I didn't mind the black before I did the background.
I could also get some colored tin foil and make a background. I've done it with the plain silver kind for my smaller tank and it looked cool
Nice looking tank.
I prefer live plants and lots of them, especially floating plants.

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