Ive given in


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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A unscheduled day off work today meant i could go patrolling the local fish shops to see if there was anything new or interesting about to put into the newish 40 gallon tank i have sitting half empty. I was just about to skip the african cichlids section in one shop when for some unknown reason a tiny pair of kribs in full breeding colouration caught my eye, theyve never really interested me before but these ones were just irresistable so home they came. I dont know how soon they breed (if at all) or how they'll fare bringing any young up with the other fish in the tank, a pair of large Satanoperca a small shoal of congo tetras and two small morgunda gobies plus a breeding pair of bristlenoses but theyve certainly added a vibrant splash of colour to the tank.
Hahahaha, hate when that happens! Especially when you just pop in to pick up filter media or food. Would love to see pics of the little guys when you get a chance CFC. :D

Sucka! :D Yep, I see a cichlidmasterII coming soon. They're hard to resist aren't they bro? ;)
ha ha ha and now if I could only get a special remedy for my wife cause now she wants me to get her a reef tank.... just another tank for me to take care of.....but I fugure what the heck might as well.....and now I want more cichlids too.....
I think there might be way to sneak 2 tanks in there somehow, juanveldez. Whaddya think? :D
I think that she just might learn how to shoot one of my guns just to shoot me!!!! but seriously we got a new LFS up here she has been open for about 4 weeks but I went out for a drive to get my nice and clean truck all dirty and decided that I would poke my head in.... and much to my surprise she had several things that my other lfs doesn't carry anymore. the first is that she carries marine fish... although not to sure about quality as she has only had all of her sale tanks stocked with fish for about a week and most of the tanks were 30 gallons with one peice of live rock in there. but I was FINALLY able to get an apple snail, and the prices on her tanks were pretty good about 20 dollars less than my other lfs. I only have two comlaints though. not a good representation of FW fish in the store. and really she only had two tanks devoted to cichlids..... but she was really cool and told me that if there is ANY fish that I wanted that I should let her know and that she would do WHAT EVER IT Takes to get it.... my other lfs won't even do that. so long story short didn't get my truck dirty but I did find a new lfs that I will be doing business in the future..... talked her into getting a better cichlid selection and getting some apistogramma cacuaties(Spelling)

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