Is My 46G Tank Over Stocked Or Can I Add More?


New Member
Sep 6, 2016
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I currently have the following in a bow front 46G tank that was already cycled:
7 balloon mollies
1 platy
4 mollies
8 tetra glofish
2 dwarf gouramis

Both pet stores told me we could add up to 35 fish around the size we have, but upon reading some of the forums I've become skeptical of anything the pet store folks have told me lol. Would love a little input!
you could add some more, just watch the ammonia and ph, etc.
I would be careful but, I think your good for now.. in my own opinion
7 balloon mollies
1 platy
4 mollies
8 tetra glofish
2 dwarf gouramis
Mollies need hard water  Gouramis and Tetras prefer soft.
Both pet stores told me we could add up to 35 fish around the size we have,
LOL petshops will say anything.
Mollies are not small fish, if they are healthy and properly maintained; they can attain 4-5 inches, and this needs to be kept in mind.  As already mentioned, they absolutely must have moderately hard or harder water or they will not be healthy and succumb to various health issues.  Males and females will mean continuous broods of fry, and in time these can easily number in the hundreds depending upon the mix.  I would not add to what you already have.
I must comment on the "balloon" form, which is sadly popular.  This is achieved by literally deforming the fish, and while it may be argued what a fish feels compared to a human who would undergo something like this, there is no doubt but that it weakens the fish significantly, and it will not have a normal or healthy life.  The only way to stop this practice is to not purchase balloon forms of this or any fish.
I must comment on the "balloon" form, which is sadly popular.  This is achieved by literally deforming the fish,
I am not a fan of balloon mollies for the same reason Byron

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