Introducing new Cichlid to 60 gal community tank


New Member
May 27, 2019
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I would like to add 3 (maybe 4) Red Rainbow cichlids to a heavily decorated and planted 60 gal community tank (upgraded from 40 gals) with
2 Firemouth :3 Inch
2 Blue Acara: 4 Inch
2 Acei: 3 Inch
1 Rainbow Shark: 4-5 Inch
1 Bristlenose pleco
But the seller only has them in 1 1/2 inch, all of my fish are generally docile, the rainbow shark only hangs out in one of the corners and never really interacts with anyone. However one of the blue acaras (around 4 1/2 Inch) is the alpha and just goes around the tank bullying all the other fish. I'm worded he may try to kill the smaller Rainbow Cichlids if I were to add them due to the size difference. Do you think it would be fine, should I wait, or try to find someone selling bigger Rainbow Cichlids?
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I would like to add 3 (maybe 4) Red Rainbow cichlids to a heavily decorated and planted 60 gal community tank (upgraded from 40 gals) with
2 Firemouth :3 Inch
2 Blue Acara: 4 Inch
2 Acei: 3 Inch
1 Rainbow Shark: 4-5 Inch
1 Bristlenose pleco
But the seller only has them in 1 1/2 inch, all of my fish are generally docile, the rainbow shark only hangs out in one of the corners and never really interacts with anyone. However one of the blue acaras (around 4 1/2 Inch) is the alpha and just goes around the tank bullying all the other fish. I'm worded he may try to kill the smaller Rainbow Cichlids if I were to add them due to the size difference. Do you think it would be fine, should I wait, or try to find someone selling bigger Rainbow Cichlids?
I would find bigger
Find a seller selling bigger African cichlids. You don’t want your new fish to get eaten.
Find a seller selling bigger African cichlids. You don’t want your new fish to get eaten.

I think the OP is referring to south american Rainbow cichlids no???
If not one doesnt want to mix african cichlids with south/central americans as south americans require soft water and africans really hard water.
Having said that ive never kept rainbow cichlids but like acaras and fire mouths theyre supposed to be on the mellower side of aggressiveness.
Try to get ones that are close to same size as other inhabitants or theyll get bullied, from the sounds of it from your Acara
Yeah, I have South/Central Americans and they are mellower, however the one acara isn't all that chill. I'm going to wait for the seller to have bigger fish.

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