Inactive Plates For No Apparent Reason :(

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May 7, 2014
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Afternoon everyone :)
I have a 20L tank which contains 1 male and 1 female platy and 3 platy fry. I have had the adult fish for approximately 3 months and the fry are now around 1 month old.
I purchased a new, better quality heater two days ago as it has become very cold where I live, and the other heater was not strong enough to sustain the temperature. I have the thermostat set to 26 degreesC.
Since a few hours after putting the new heater in the tank, both of my adult plates have become very inactive. The male is sitting at the back on the tank on the ground, and the female swims around for a while but returns to staying in one spot at the top of the tank. At feeding time, they become active and feed as usual, but then return to being very still (appearing dead
  ) The fry are all active and well, and haven't changed at all.
I completed a water test yesterday and the results were as follows.
pH: 7.2
High Range PH: 7.4
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 40-80ppm (Hard to tell)
Tank was correctly cycled prior to putting fish in, and their appearance has not change in any way since they've become inactive.
I also did a 25% water change yesterday, and do this weekly, treating the water with a water safe de-chlorinator, but today they still are acting the same way.
I'm pretty stumped as to what could be wrong! I know the nitrates are too high, but the baby fish are fine (I thought they would be the first to go)
Is the water quality the problem? If so, how do I fix it?
Are they sick?
Are they getting used to the new heater?
Is it normal behaviour for platies to remain still for days at a time?
Please help me! These fish are my children! I lost one from old age a few months ago and was so devastated, I don't want to lose anymore!
Thanks in advance for any help!
Erica :)
Hi there Erica and welcome to the forums!
There is an Emergencies section of the forum where your problem might get better help.  Perhaps a moderator will be kind enough to move this post for you!
Has the new heater increased the water temperature by a large amount?  If there was a sudden large increase then they may have suffered shock due to the change in temperature.  26°C is around the top end of the temperature range they prefer, I try to keep my platies at around 24°C. 
Does your tap water contain nitrates?
As Daize has already mentioned, think lowering temp to about 24C may help as 26C is pretty much highest level for platies to be comfortable at.

Am going to ask if you have a thermometer on your tank to help tell exactly what the temp if tank water is at. Sometimes heaters will heat the water higher than what the dial is actually set at.

One other point, think your 20 litre / 5 gal tank is very small for platies am afraid, they'll be happier in a tank of at LEAST 40 litres / 10 gal, 15gal being better IMO.

Btw, welcome to the forum :)
Do you still have the old heater? I would be tempted to put the old heater back in the tank and see what happens with the fish, just in case there is a fault with the new heater. If the fish are still acting the same do another water change.
Yes I do have a thermometer it's saying pretty much right on 26 degrees!

I have turned the heater down to 24 degrees, and the fish are being more active, however my male is breathing fairly heavily!!

They ate this evening as usual.

I'm not 100% sure if the tap water contains nitrates, but will test in the morning!

Thank you so much for all the advice! I appreciate it so much :)

I am currently in a share house with not much room, so I can't upgrade tank sizes yet. I will be moving in a month or so however so will definitely get a bigger tank then. Thanks so much everyone!
Hi there, if the three fry are a month old, it's a possibility that she may be about to give birth again, labouring platy hide always until they have finished delivering. This may be why they are hiding...may have nothing to do with the new heater, just a coincidence. Good luck
Hi again everyone :)

I changed the temperature on the heater to 24 degrees and big the platies are much happier! It seems that it must have been a bit too warm for the poor things. I feel mean!

Thanks so much for all of your suggestions. It's great to know there's a community so passionate! :)

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