
  1. H

    New Platies with Red Gills

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and could use some advice about my platies. I ordered them a week ago, and they arrived three days ago and they were in shipping for four days. Since they arrived, they've had red gills, and they haven't changed in appearance since then. Other than that, they seem...
  2. JackGulley

    Platies are turning pale and gulping air

    I keep seeing my platies gulping air from the surface, which I know isn't normal for them. Sometimes when they do it they also appear stressed, and will clamp their fins and/or fade in coloration (I have painted platies; the black part fades into splotches and you can see the orange underneath)...
  3. M

    Molly sickness

    Hi everyone all help is appreciated! We have had our tank set up and running for nearly a year, we have mollies platies and a couple of plecs, Recently we got a couple more mollies and brought with them some sickness, We've now had about 7 die in just over a week From looking at forums the...
  4. C

    What should I put in my 10 gallon tank?

    hey guys :) I have just bought a 10 gallon tank after my betta died and I wanted to try something new. I'm looking for suggestions on how to stock it. At the minute I'm thinking about livebearers although I would only get males because I'm not wanting fry. Guppies? Platies? Mollies? Endlers...
  5. V

    So, one of my platies swims upside down sometimes

    I noticed that just now when my male platy was swimming away, he did like a flip. His body was upside down for a moment. So, he might have a swim bladder issue. Most of the time he swims normally but I've noticed occasionally he will flip upside down briefly. No idea why. It's not the filter...
  6. V

    Is she big enough to not get eaten or should I put her in the net?

    My platies had babies, idk if I want to keep them all but this is definitely one, I want to keep. Should I throw her in the breeder net for safety? I do have places for them to hide but despite this the fry are out in the open a lot. I would like her to free roam, so it doesn't slow her growth...
  7. V

    I'm thinking about getting shrimp

    There are many different types I could get. I've never owned any before. They would have to be compatible with my set up. I have platies in a 20 gallon with sand substrate, live plants, and a HOB filter. I'm afraid the platies could eat shrimp, but their babies swim right in front of them all...
  8. N

    Ich for 2 weeks

    On 1/21 I got 2 new Mollies. On 1/23 noticed ich on a Molly. A cory cat died on 1/28. The Ich is still in tank as of 2/4. Treating with Tetra Lifeguard since 1/30. Prior I used API Pimafix/Melafix and Imagitarium Parasite Remedy because I went to 2 stores and couldn’t find ich treatment and then...
  9. madireeder

    Platies mysteriously dying!!!

    The water quality in my tank is perfect, I test it frequently. Everything has been great otherwise but my platies keep dying! And very unexpectedly! I have two balloon mollies, I HAD two platies (now one), and 3 African Clawed Frogs (which i’m not very happy about because the pet store told me...
  10. foxgirl158

    Possible brand new tank

    Hello! My platies recently had fry, the first fry I've raised. As a result, I feel attached to them and I don't want to give them back to the fish store, so I'm trying to find homes for them with people I know. I think I've convinced my school librarian to set up a tank in the library, as long...
  11. Mollyforever

    4 mollies and 1 platy okay?

    Hello! I have 4 mollies ( 1male 3female) and one platy in my 20 tank. When i got the fish from the lfs, i found a very cute tiny red “molly” and it sorta looks like a platy to me. Ginger (the platy) doesn’t really get along with the other mollies. While other mollies get along she would...
  12. S

    What's wrong with my fish and what should I do?

    I have an 85l tank with approx. 9 guppies, 8 platies and a handful of tetras. I bought a platy last Sunday and as soon as it got into my tank, it went down to the bottom. I thought it was just heading to the plants for cover in an unfamiliar environment, but over the next few days, I noticed...
  13. L

    Ich or fungus?!

    I noticed one of my plates has white blobs all over her body. From looking at photos of ich I’d say these are bigger than the ‘grains of salt’ described. It’s only really visible when she’s right under the light. One of the other platies has some white on her tail. I’m about to go to the pet...
  14. S

    My fish just gave birth - what should I expect?

    Last Saturday, I got my first fish (platies). It turns out that the blue mickey mouse platy was pregnant and has now given birth. The other platies are twin bar and are smaller, but I’m sure could still eat the fry. I have lots of plants and dragon stone and I have seen some of the fry hiding in...
  15. April_ht

    Dead platy fish

    I used to have 9 platies (or platy) in a 70 litre tank with 2 Chinese Algae Eaters, sold as ‘Sucking catfish’. The two catfish and 4 of the platies were rehomed as there were too many males, leaving me with 3 females and 1 male. Soon after, I bought 6 (Golden) White Cloud Mountain Minnows as it...
  16. April_ht

    How many platys in 70 litres (18 US Gallons)?

    I’ve recently gotten a new 70 litre tank which has been cycled and fish were added in earlier today. I’ve got 9 platy fish, ranging from 1.5-2 inches, 5 males and 4 females and 2 small sucking catfish. I know the male to female ratio is off and I’m planning on getting rid of 3+ males soon, and I...
  17. P

    Keeping 1 plattyfish?

    Hi, I previously had 4 platyfish but I am now down to one. I have scoured the internet and there seems to be some conflicting advice about having just one platty, some saying it’s fine and some saying they need other fish. I know they aren’t schooling fish but are social. She seems to be okay...
  18. C

    Pregnant Platy

    I’ve recently purchased another female for my platy tank, and she’s very pregnant and the Gravid spot is extremely dark, any guess on when she will have them ?
  19. C

    Is my platty pregnant or just fat ??‍♀️

    Hey! Can anyone help, I’m not sure if my platy is just fat or is pregnant. Can anyone help? Thanks :)
  20. Falconwithaboxon

    Little Guy

    My tank has 4 orange(forget actual name lol) platies in it and one of them is much smaller than the rest, looking like he hadn't grown since I got him in August. The other platies would bully food away from him and I always felt bad for him. In the last week though, he has started to be super...
  21. A

    I'm not sure if my platies are pregnant?

    Hi! New platy owner here and I loveee them <3 Im not sure whether my two female platies in my community tank are pregnant. I got them on the 11th of October, and there's currently a male platy in my tank with them. I've done a bit of searching around the internet and can't really tell if my...
  22. Falconwithaboxon

    Lights Off

    So I have a 29 gallon tank and a few of my fish, my gouramis, platies, and mollies, always charge the glass when I turn my lights off. They are the only fish in my tank that do that so I'm just wondering if that's normal behavior for them. They've been doing that since I got the tank about 2...
  23. GuppyFanaticxd

    Thinking of going from artificial decorations to live plants. How can I make this less stressful for fish?

    Hi again. I've had a 10 gallon tank for over a year but I'm starting to think of switching from artificial to live plants. How can I make it less stressful, since it could be a drastic change in aquarium? I can also provide tank parameters if needed, and any advice is appreciated. :) EDIT...
  24. I

    Ideal temperature/tank requirements for encouraging livebearer pregnancy

    I currently have a number of platies, mollies, and a swordtail in a 55g community tank with a number of other fish set at 78 F. Is this an ideal temperature to encourage pregnancy or should I increase it to 79 or 80 degrees? I'll likely place any pregnant fish in a breeder net and then transfer...
  25. I

    Will swordtails shoal with mollies or platies?

    I currently have a 55 gallon tank with a bumblebee platy, 4 mollies (2 white LT, 1 black LT, 1 gold dust), some danios, a rainbow shark, 2 juvie clown loaches (will be moved to a larger tank in a couple months likely), a gourami, 2 panda corys, and 2 peppered corys. I recently went to my LFS to...
  26. T

    Something is very wrong in my tank

    Ok. This gon be long. I tried to get good pictures, but fish b fish ukno I've had 5 (6, but one died already from whatever it is that's wrong) female guppies since january. I bought them online from a good seller. They came healthy (and preggo :D), totally fine these past few months. They were...
  27. F

    Fatty platy

    Hi there, I’m new to keeping tropical fish and have noticed my female platy looks like she has a swollen belly. She’s no problem swimming and eating normally. I can’t see any change in her scales either. Could she have been pregnant before I got her? Or is this the start of swim bladder? The top...
  28. S

    SICK platy fish - please help identify the sickness!

    Hello, Can anyone recognise which sickness is hurting my platy tank? I have an idea, but I am not sure. Basically out of the blue (no new fish added, no change in diet, but doing weekly water changes), quite a few of my platies started having light patches on their bodies -at first i thought it...
  29. B

    Upgrading Tank, Stocking Questions

    Hello, So I am relatively new to fish keeping. I bought a 25g tank to start out with and have 6 Platies and 2 CoryCat Fish. I have had this tank going for about 6 months now and am upgrading to a 65g tank in a few days after we move. I have purchased the new tank/new filter and all the other...
  30. HevvyC

    New 20 Gallon Starter Tank - Advice? :)

    Hey guys, I've just bought a 100L/ 20 gallon tank and I'm waiting to pick it up at the moment. Very excited! It comes with 2 internal filters (both Aquael 700) and a heater which is great. I was looking into keeping some honey gouramis, platies, neon tetras and maybe some leopard cory's? Nice...
  31. C

    Who's the Daddy??

    Or more accurately, what type of platy do you think the daddy could have been? My daughter got a female platy fish from a shop, two days later it gave birth. She tells me it was housed with other platy fish, mostly orange ones, and possibly swordtails, but not guppies who were separate. First...
  32. M

    I can't tell if my platy is male or female?

    Hey, I recently got 4 platy and I had no idea about the live birth etc. So oooo........ Lol I definitely have 1 male and I'm pretty sure 2 females. There's one more but I can't tell if it's male or female. I'm trying to decide the best option to avoid having to deal with tonnes of fry...
  33. S

    Aggression all Around (platy)

    I have been having some trouble with platies in a 10 gallon tank. About four months ago I went out and got for platies just for fun because I was considering getting into fish keeping. At the time I did not know but I ended up discovering that two of the platies were male two of them were female...
  34. Rexer reigns

    Fish tank water changing

    Hi guys, I'm new to here and i don't have much experience in fish management. I installed my 6 gallon tank 2 day's ago. In my tank i have 4 guppy's and 2 platy's. unlike other tanks my tank is buried in soil, cemented on it's sides and bottom. Now i wan't your precious suggestion's and...
  35. F

    Platy in need of a good home

    I rescued two platys from Walmart last night. Seeing the two of them in the smallest most disgusting looking tank, I'd ever seen and knowing that my betta's 6.5-gallon tank was cycled, heated and filtered sitting empty. (Betta's in quarantine for a nasty case of fin rot) I had to do something...
  36. Chelipe831

    2 new platy fish wondering there gender ?

    Hello recently purchased a couple new fish for my aquarium was wondering if anyone can help me identify the gender of the fish? (photo below)
  37. FishyFish888

    Can I add Guppies to my tank of Platies and Danios?

    Hi, so I’ve had my 40L (10 gal) tank if a couple Platies and Danios that get along just fine for a few months now. I started to notice that the tank looked a little... empty. I already have many plants and decorations inside, but it just looks like the ratio of fish to tank space is pretty low...
  38. chevymom89

    New here! Here is my introduction and my fish!

    Hello fellow fish people! I just signed up for this so please be nice lol. I have never been a part of a forum before so any tips would be greatly appreciated. My name is Carrie. I am turning 29 on the 24th of this month. Married for 4 years, together for almost 10. We have sole custody of his...
  39. Seantheplatydaddy

    Male platy bent body and trouble breathing

    Tank size: 10 gallons pH: between 6.5 and 7.0 ammonia: unknown rn nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 40 ppm kH: 80 ppm gH: 120 ppm tank temp: 78 F Fish Symptoms: I just put down a fish for swim bladder disease. Sam (the current sick fish) has been sick for a few weeks. I treated the tank with a parasite...
  40. N

    How many fish can my tank hold?

    Hi, this is our first experience being fish owners. We have cycled our 29 gallon tank, and our water was double checked at the pet store. We came home with 6 platies. We’d like to get some Cory Cats and either guppies or neon tetras. Do we have room for 2 more species of fish? If so, how...