How would tiger barbs do with my tank


Nov 10, 2003
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Colorado USA
Im getting a new 29 gal tank and im thinking of getting some tiger barbs should i get them? im putting my fish from my old tank in the new one when i get it.
Well i wouldnt say no because i like tiger barbs but i am just being bias... i dont think your Gourami would like the company of a tiger barbs though! :crazy:
I tend to agree with Wilsta there. Barbus tetrazona, (Tiger), if kept in a group of 6 or more will usually chase each other about, and ignore other things. That said, anything with trailing fins is likely to be considered as worthy of a nip - it is in the nature of the fish.

Paradise fish can get nasty as they get bigger as well, just a little "heads up".
I would def' say no! i added 2 of them (i know its not the greatest group) to see how they'd do and they chewed my white skirt tetras long fins up(but they didn't bother my other white skirt tetra which was less passive then the other) and chased after other fish. So i sent the two devils and the less passive tetra(b/c it was going after my poor victim tetra) to a friends tank. They Tore that tetra to pieces even though they never bothered it before in my tank. Even when i look at the tank in the store i bought them from, i noticed they still occansionally nip at each other even when they're the only breed in the tank. I don't want to give these guys a bad name, but thats my experience. Luckily my tetra has his long fins back(you can see him in my aquarium pics) and oddly enough shares his living with a different kind of barb that doesn't bother him at all. Maybe if u had a tank with just barbs it could work. Good luck with your new tank. :)
>>> added 2 of them (i know its not the greatest group)

As you rightly observe, 2 just ain't going to work! You really do need a number of them, then you might get away with it. Nothing with long fins should be in with tetrazona though.
i'd say no. i love tiger barbs and i've done my research but i'm no expert. they def wouldn't get along with the gouramis. might be okay with some of the tetras. but tigers need to be in a school of at least 6 in order to minimize their nippy behavior (if in smaller groups, they will tend to go after other fish, but in larger gorups the nipping will mostly be to each other and the other fish will be ignored). you could maybe get by moving the plecs in and then getting a nice big school like 8 tigers or so and call it good. just my opinion
I have 6 tiger barbs in with my Gourami and they get along well. Never see anything going on between them. I had the barbs for 6 months too before i got the Gourami. Try it. Tiger barbs are awesome!!!
I'm totally with you on that one Debo!!!! :nod: I've got two Gourami in with my tigers and theres no problem at all!!

Although i have seen Nelson (Bully from simpsons) the gourami put his tentickle thing in a tigers mouth once. Never seen him move so fast. Needless to say he hasnt done that since. :lol:

dunno aboot ya tetra tho :dunno: they ain't the fastest swimmers are they
My tetras can move pretty fast when they want to so im not to worried about them, and plus im planning to get more tetras too. :D
I would not put them in with a beta. Why not get 6 tigers.. and a few scavenger fish to boot.. :rolleyes:
I would have to say no. It's too much of a risk. Tiger Barbs are semi aggressive and will nip the fins of others. Get some more Platies or get a few swordtails. Then get a small school of zebra danios then the rest is up to you. Just don't get tiger barbs it is a big risk!!

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