Out of the thousands of different types of Cichlids (admittedly most won't be available in your LFS :p), are you sure there's nothing you would prefer?
Can have anything from Angelfish, to Discus, to Jewel Cichlids, to Firemouth Cichlids - the list is endless! :D
In fairness, there's only a limited number that are suitable for a 120l.
I think it's a bit small for a Malawi Cichlid setup, but you could have some Tanganyika shelldwellers, if you have hard water. Alternatively, if you have soft water, you could go with apistogrammas or rams. How many depends upon how many other fish you want. If you wanted a community tank, then a single male, or a single male and 2 females of the apisto or ram species would work.
Angels, discus, and the larger CA cichlids would be too big, as well, IMO.
the_lock_man said:
In fairness, there's only a limited number that are suitable for a 120l.
I think it's a bit small for a Malawi Cichlid setup, but you could have some Tanganyika shelldwellers, if you have hard water. Alternatively, if you have soft water, you could go with apistogrammas or rams. How many depends upon how many other fish you want. If you wanted a community tank, then a single male, or a single male and 2 females of the apisto or ram species would work.
Angels, discus, and the larger CA cichlids would be too big, as well, IMO.
I meant mine as only examples of Cichlids, not what you can have in there necessarily, sorry! Listen to the_lock_man.

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