How Fast For My Filter...


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
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I have just recently started up my tank. I realise it's a bit small, a 24 litre Pets at Home tank that came with a filter. I have cycled it using advice from a reputable fish seller (Tall Trees in Nottingham) and I've got a black berlin Swordtail and a coffee and milk Platy in residence for 4 days now. My question relates to the filter, it is variable speed and when its on flat out theres quite a current in the tank. When on low it's hard to see anything happening. Hwo fast should I run it? I like having some movement on the surface but I don't want my fish to be worn out from trying to stay put. It's on full now and they are happily tucking in to their 1/2 a fish pellet, they don't seem to mind but I'm not sure what to do...

Thanks in advance!!
i have the same tank with a 750lph eheim external for a 300 litre tank, so any setting will be fine :) the more the better.
When you say you cycled it, please don't tell us you put some stuff from a bottle in and left it for a few days.
Swordtails are among the fastest fish in most tanks. The male, even with that long tail, will swim faster backward than many fish can swim forward. Don't worry about too much flow.
I'm learning a lot as time goes by. They've been moved to a bigger (55l) tank now and I reckon we're more or less good for now. (until I can justify a bigger one for some Melanotaenia boesemani)

Here's some video I shot yesterday featuring Sidney the Swordtail supervising his tank.


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