Help! Are My Honey Gouramis Male And/or Female?

Hmm, I'm not sure but I I would hazard a guess at them both being female? That is just a guess.

If you look at my honey in profile pic, that is a male, then my signature below has a female. See the grey line running from her eye to tail fin? The males have orange towards the tail but yours are different colours.

Check this out see if it helps
Shelster said:
Hmm, I'm not sure but I I would hazard a guess at them both being female? That is just a guess.

If you look at my honey in profile pic, that is a male, then my signature below has a female. See the grey line running from her eye to tail fin? The males have orange towards the tail but yours are different colours.

Check this out see if it helps
Thanks for your help!!
Here is a video of them both is that helps? -
Hmmm the one trailing out in front from 1 minute on the video I would say is a female (this is going from my honeys colouration) as you can see a faint grey line from here eye running straight across her midline to her tail fin.

The way the second is following her I would think potentially a male?? But his is a guess. IF its a male, his colours may become a little more vibrant as he matures....

Again, IF the second is a male, you may want to get another one or two females to even out the harassment.

Maybe some others may chime in also with their opinions.

Lovely looking fish :D
Shelster said:
Hmmm the one trailing out in front from 1 minute on the video I would say is a female (this is going from my honeys colouration) as you can see a faint grey line from here eye running straight across her midline to her tail fin.

The way the second is following her I would think potentially a male?? But his is a guess. IF its a male, his colours may become a little more vibrant as he matures....

Again, IF the second is a male, you may want to get another one or two females to even out the harassment.

Maybe some others may chime in also with their opinions.

Lovely looking fish
Thanks for your help and examples. As I've only had them for a couple of days they may still be stressed which is causing them to hide their true colours. I'll take another snap once they've properly settled in.

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