
New Member
Jun 8, 2014
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Hi guys, i've bought the new fluval edge 12g/46l and im really not sure what to stock it with. I was thinking some guppies with endlers and cardinals maybe? I know it a small tank you dont have to tell me that. Its all cycled and all the tests have been done.

Thanks :)
Hello and welcome.
I too have a Fluval Edge tank, 46 litres, nice tank but awkward for maintenance.
If you do plan to have guppies and endlers in that tank, i'd suggest all males, as these species breed pretty prolifically and before you know it, too many fish in that little tank!
Btw, I would not be too keen on keeping cardinals is that little tank as they are fairly active little fish and need quite a bit of space.
+1 with what Ch4rlie said about the live-bearers and the cardinals.
I started with 1 male and 1 female platy and ended up with fry every 5 weeks - I know they aren't the same fish but they breed prolifically just the same I believe.
I would also second what has been said about mixing genders.
An other good fish for a tank like this with a bit of personality could be some type of Badis, I had a male Pyjama Badis in an 8 gallon tnak onece and he did great. There are some great species available now and they come in a few different colours but offer that perch sort of inteligence that makes them really interesting in a tank.

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