Fishjasonle - August 2022 Tank of the Month Winner (31 Gal and larger)

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Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in
August 2022 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 7 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning tank and its description

Avatar floating island tank
Size 150 gallon
Filter. Forza UV 13 plus a hang on back filter
Plant. Mainly moss and anubias and bucephalantra S repen and some carpet plants from seed.
Stone and feature: dragon stone. Volcanical floating rock, ryo stone for the water(sand) fall
Fish: 150 neon tetra, some angel fish and ottocinclus. Also got some mystery snails I'm there. recently angel fish laid egg and all got hatched :) I have 60 plus fry now. I entered this tank in may. But it was not ready with fish yet. But now it is a living eco system and the plants are just thriving. A lot of trimming every month :). Haven't got a single tetra died yet for 4 months. That is a success for me. Haha.
Congrats to @fishjasonle with their 150 gallon "avatar floating island tank." You certainly have a very unique and interesting setup. Well deserved win!
Coming in second place is @Razzmatazz with their 135 gallon densely planted very colorful tank. Your tank shows the huge effort you made to make your tank looking beautiful.
And coming in third place is @CaptainBarnicles with their 240 litre Fluval Roma nicely planted tank. Well done!
Thanks to everyone who participated and / or voted in this contest. We urge you to participate in future contests.

Right now, we are accepting entries in our Fish of the Month Contest. For August, we are featuring Plecos. If you have a Pleco, we hope you consider entering the contest. You can view the entry thread by clicking the link below:
Fishjasonle will soon be awarded a TOTM Winner banner and his tank will be added to our TOTM Wall of Fame . You can view the past winners by clicking on the previous link.
Congrats to @fishjasonle with their 150 gallon "avatar floating island tank." You certainly have a very unique and interesting setup. Well deserved win!
Coming in second place is @Razzmatazz with their 135 gallon densely planted very colorful tank. Your tank shows the huge effort you made to make your tank looking beautiful.
And coming in third place is @CaptainBarnicles with their 240 litre Fluval Roma nicely planted tank. Well done!
Thanks to everyone who participated and / or voted in this contest. We urge you to participate in future contests.

Right now, we are accepting entries in our Fish of the Month Contest. For August, we are featuring Plecos. If you have a Pleco, we hope you consider entering the contest. You can view the entry thread by clicking the link below:
Thank you. :)
awesome...very unique..and all those neonstrophy1

I have read that Angels love to eat Neons...I speak from experience ;)

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