Fish Suffering At School!

Also, the outside body of gold fish will grow accordingly to what size tank they are int, but their internals will not. So, if kept in a small tank for too long, their body will stop growing, but their internals will not. So in other words, they will kill them selves.
that statement is false and it does not has proven it, and nature wouldnt allow it!

I agree with truck, the internals couldnt possibly keep on growing, but for me its a case of swimming space, the goldfish will still reach a nice size and in a small tank wont have any room to swim, i would say fancy goldfish require more than 20gals though truck, they are quite messy and can get to 5"
XTRA large orandas can get above this

Outside of this forum (and other similar ones) I don't know anyone who actually cares about fish to the level that we do. Surely if you reported her to the principal then he/she'd just say you were being silly and care just as little as she does.
that why were on this site... :D
Soon, I am going to do something with my 20gal.... that would be more suitable than the 10gal for her, but she still seems not to give a #41####, so I'll scrap that idea too. Plus it weighs 200+lbs so it would be risky to put it on a wood table. Hard to bring into school, and I would have to probably replace the gravel... it would just be too difficult.

So far, will bring in the decholrinator on Wednesday. Only thing is, it is packet for 55gal.... this is like, 1/4gal, I don't want to risk killing the fish with it.

I will top of the puddle.
is chlorine even toxic to fish? at any rate the majority of the chlorine leaves water just from pouring. the rest will quickly be lost through effervescence
is there any way she could be motivated to collect rainwater... that would be very good... the rianwater in england is brilliant for my fantail nymphs
is there any way she could be motivated to collect rainwater... that would be very good... the rianwater in england is brilliant for my fantail nymphs

It hasn't rained here in awhile.... I live in New York. The nearby water (Hudson River) is brackish so that is another no-no. So many obstacles! :(
wow a week ive had my neon tetras 3 years and dont buy fish from walmart they die so quickly i bought a neon tetra and my mom put it in the tank and it was all ready Dead i mean really!? :unsure:
wow a week ive had my neon tetras 3 years and dont buy fish from walmart they die so quickly i bought a neon tetra and my mom put it in the tank and it was all ready Dead i mean really!? :unsure:
you bought 'a' neon tetra lol what an eventful trip to the lfs
wow i just read the whole post
jeezzzz that woman is crazy!!!!!!!!!
im glad that you are actually taking action, most students problably
woudnt do that!!!
Why are you talking in dechlor, report this already. If she doesn't care threaten to report if she doesn't take adequate action. If she doesn't respond to this go ahead and report it...
Also, the outside body of gold fish will grow accordingly to what size tank they are int, but their internals will not. So, if kept in a small tank for too long, their body will stop growing, but their internals will not. So in other words, they will kill them selves.
that statement is false and it does not has proven it, and nature wouldnt allow it!
A gold fish should have at least 20 gallons to live in, if not 30 gallons, and another 10 gallons for every extra goldfish added!

a fancy gold fish should have atleast 20 gallons

a common goldfish should have a pond or atleast a 6*2*2 foot tank

I have been told by members on this forum, that what I said is true. Until you can show me proof, I will think other wise.

taken from "Effect of stunting of juvenile bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson) on compensatory growth and reproduction" by Santiago CB, Gonzal AC, Aralar EV, Arcilla RP in AQUACULTURE RESEARCH Vol 35 Issue (9) pages 836-841, JUL 23 2004:

"The carp stunted for 6, 12 and 18 months showed growth compensation, although their weights and lengths were slightly lower than those of the control fish. The body weight and length of fish stunted for 24 months were the lowest throughout the rearing period. Sexual maturation occurred only in the control fish and those stunted for 6 and 12 months. However, the onset of gonad maturity was delayed significantly (P<0.05) in males stunted for 12 months and in both groups of stunted female fish. "

stunting delayed the development of the fish, but there was no mention of bulging organs.

have you ever seen a fish with organs that are bigger than they should be????

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