My fish are dropping like crazy...I redid my old mbuana tank several weeks ago and bought 6 angles, 2 bolivian rams, 4 blue rams (very young ones) and 8 tetra. So far I've lost 3 angles and 3 blue rams. My amonia and nitrite levels are 0. Very little nitrate (not sure of the # as I don't have the kit infront of me). I do however have very hard water (approx 300 ppm)
About 2 weeks ago I put a piece of drift wood in my tank which I prepared by soaking for over a week, and I boiled it twice, for an hour each time. I think the wood is OK. I was unable to get the wood to sink, so my husband attached a small metal bar to the bottom of it...most likely steel. Is it possible that the steel is leeching something into the water? Or do you think that my water is just too hard? I know angles and blue rams like soft water, but the shop where I bought the angels also has very hard water, so it wasn't a big change for them... and I've had them for several weeks.
Once I figure this problem out I'm considering apistogramma cacatoides, as suggested by someone on this forum. Any info about whether they can survive hard water is appreciated.
About 2 weeks ago I put a piece of drift wood in my tank which I prepared by soaking for over a week, and I boiled it twice, for an hour each time. I think the wood is OK. I was unable to get the wood to sink, so my husband attached a small metal bar to the bottom of it...most likely steel. Is it possible that the steel is leeching something into the water? Or do you think that my water is just too hard? I know angles and blue rams like soft water, but the shop where I bought the angels also has very hard water, so it wasn't a big change for them... and I've had them for several weeks.
Once I figure this problem out I'm considering apistogramma cacatoides, as suggested by someone on this forum. Any info about whether they can survive hard water is appreciated.