New Member
To start, I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 male betta (Loki) and 3 cory catfish: a peppered, an emerald, and an albino. (Heimdall, Doc & Peach.)
At first, I had only Loki and the peppered (Heimdall) for several months together in the tank. They were content, but I'd been urged to add several more corys to the tank as they are schooling fish. Monday, (03/03/14), I added the albino and emerald to the tank. They all seemed to be getting along great until this morning. I caught the emerald chewing on the tail fin of my betta. I'd already fed them once for the day with an algea pellet for each cory, and a small shake of betta food for Loki.
I returned this evening, to find the emerald once again chewing on Loki's tail. So, I tapped on the glass and it stopped long enough for me to throw more food pellets in the tank for them. So, now they've all been fed twice, and were seemingly content. Loki was on the other side of the tank from where the food pellets are when the emerald once again, swam over to Loki and started to nibble on his tail fins.
Should I be concerned, and remove the emerald from the tank, or should I keep watching them to see if it's just a phase? I've already had an incident with Loki losing all of his fins due to other fish beating up on him. For being a betta, he's extremely laid back, and isn't reacting to the cory chewing on his tail.
I'd been told that Corys were the best to put in the tank with Loki as they are bottom feeders, and are (typically) non aggressive. I'm really hoping I don't have to return or find a new home for Doc as I find him rather pretty and I like having the diversity of the different corys in my tank.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be caushing him to chew on Loki's fins, and what I can do to stop him from chewing on the fins other than getting rid of him?
At first, I had only Loki and the peppered (Heimdall) for several months together in the tank. They were content, but I'd been urged to add several more corys to the tank as they are schooling fish. Monday, (03/03/14), I added the albino and emerald to the tank. They all seemed to be getting along great until this morning. I caught the emerald chewing on the tail fin of my betta. I'd already fed them once for the day with an algea pellet for each cory, and a small shake of betta food for Loki.
I returned this evening, to find the emerald once again chewing on Loki's tail. So, I tapped on the glass and it stopped long enough for me to throw more food pellets in the tank for them. So, now they've all been fed twice, and were seemingly content. Loki was on the other side of the tank from where the food pellets are when the emerald once again, swam over to Loki and started to nibble on his tail fins.
Should I be concerned, and remove the emerald from the tank, or should I keep watching them to see if it's just a phase? I've already had an incident with Loki losing all of his fins due to other fish beating up on him. For being a betta, he's extremely laid back, and isn't reacting to the cory chewing on his tail.
I'd been told that Corys were the best to put in the tank with Loki as they are bottom feeders, and are (typically) non aggressive. I'm really hoping I don't have to return or find a new home for Doc as I find him rather pretty and I like having the diversity of the different corys in my tank.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be caushing him to chew on Loki's fins, and what I can do to stop him from chewing on the fins other than getting rid of him?