Does Parasite Treatment Affect Snails?


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Dec 16, 2020
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I have a platy that has some sort of internal parasite. I was given the medication to treat it but I was told not to use it if I had scaleless fish. I asked if it was ok for the mystery snail and they said they weren't sure. I have Titan Green Water Purifier Parasites and Fungus. Should I remove the snail during the treatment, and one more question, can the snail carry the infection to another aquarium? If so I will need to get a second quarantine tank for my second has a jaguar cichlid.


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Also, I've gotten really mixed results, does malachite green contain copper? Cause I know copper is really harmful to snails. Some people have said yes others have said no. Any clarification?
Does it list the ingredients?

The label on the bottle lists various diseases but they are all external parasites. I don't think it treats internal parasites.
Malachite green does not contain copper. Confusion may occur because it is green and is named after the green mineral malachite which does contain copper.
The only thing malachite green and the mineral malachite have in common is the colour.
Malachite Green and copper are regularly used together in medications designed to treat external protozoan parasites. However, they are completely different substances.

Copper is quite safe for people to handle, just don't ingest it. Copper will kill any intertebrates like snails, shrimp, crabs, corals, starfish, etc.

Malachite Green is a carcinogen (causes cancer) and is not safe to handle or ingest.

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