Diy Co2 Checklist


Fish Fanatic
Jul 15, 2012
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I'm looking to order the parts for a DIY CO2 system using the fire extinguisher method so just thought I'd double check I've got everything I need, so far I've got these bookmarked;
Fire Extinguisher
CO2 Regulator/Solenoid Valve
CO2 Tubing/Bubble Counter/Diffuser
Then at some point;
Drop Checker
Bromo blue
Am I missing anything or is there anyway to get any of the products cheaper? Also I know the solenoid valve controls the flow of CO2 so would I have to do this manually every night/morning to turn it up and down or could I put it on a automatic timer?
Any help and advice would be much appreciated, thanks.
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It's all there, Once you set your timer for your solnoid you wont have to adjust the flow after that. It will just turn itself on and off.
You are good to go when you get that all, Then just cheap refills.
Ahh cool thanks for that, always best to double check!
Wouldn't say TMC is a better brand, It's just a name.

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