Corals; Will They Work?

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
Vancouver bc
Hello, I have a reef aquarium and was wondering if these corals would work
here is my aquarium
and here is my Corals list
1. PULSING Xenia
2. Photosynthetic Gorgonian
3. Watermelon Chalice
4. Neon Green Candy Cane
5. Sebae anemone
6. Blastomussa
7. Acans
8. Open brain
9. Maxima clam
10.Anything interesting that pops up
the last one is more for me so I'm not consticted to my list
What kind of lighting do you have?
Yes and no. Stay away from the sebae anemone, very difficult to keep. Everything else would most likely work, though your emperor angel will happily eat or nip at everything on that list.
really? sebae anemones ive heard are just a little harder than BTAs, also my angels havent done anything to worry me.
do you have any other advice?
After a couple of decades in the marine hobby, I've never personally kept or known anyone to keep a sebae longer than a few months. Start with the healthiest specimen you can find and hopefully you'll have better luck.
Emperor angels seem to do well with most soft corals. Most fish inclined to nip the substrate, in my experience, will eat xenia corals. Most large angels will eat or nip at lps and clam mantels.
The best advice I can give you, is keep an eye on any new addition and see how your fish respond.
I've had my sebae for about 8 years. It's about 16" across when fully inflated. You can see it in this full tank shot.

I agree when talking about Heteractis Magnifica but Heteractis Sebae is a pretty easy anemone to keep, as far as anemone go. I've found BTA require more effort from me but all anemone, even BTA require a mature tank and care on the part of the aquarist.

it says in the video discription
Can you post the tank description here so people don't have to do to the video to find it please?
Sorry, truthfully it was for more veiws.
I have 4 T5s with 2 actinics and 2 10,000 k bulbs and a marineland 36-48" LEDs
I have no idea on how much liverock
rena xp3 filter (cleaned every two weeks)
a 50 gallon HOB filter more for flow than anything
my tank is a couple of days older than a year of being setup for me as I bought it fully set up
tomini tang, blue tang, yellow tang, epoerer angelfish, flame angel, coral beauty angel, coris wrasse, 4 percula clowns, bangaii cardinal rose BTA, couple of (finger, toadstool) leathers, an colony of green star polyps, a couple of mushrooms and a 3 1/2 head torch coral
any tips would be apprectiaded

I have owned my anemone for about 7 months now
You shouldn't have any issues in a 50 gallon of standard shape with that light. It's a shallow tank so T5HO's will penetrate to the bottom quite well. Of course that's too small of a tank for any tang but the Kole to live in and many wrasse as well will outgrow it quickly. As mentioned above you certainly need to be careful about corals and angels as well as shrimp with the wrasse. For the anemone I strongly suggest keeping the tank temp at 80 degrees as this seems to help with metabolizing.
my aquarium is a 90 gallon
I do keep it at 80 degrees farenheit already

Edit: my T5s are 48" long
To be honest you aren't wrong. They are harder than BTA, condy and others. I researched a great deal before attempting it.

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