Blue Crayfish, Can It Eat A Grape?


Sep 10, 2008
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Im reusing my answered thread! Hip hip, horray!

So, title says all. Can my little baby crayfish eat a grape? its like 1-2", I'll like, cut the grape into quarters, and feed like one quarter. Would that work?

What about an orange? A kiwi? peas?

:) just asking for different variety of foods to feed it. Im currently feeding it sinking pellets. :/
I just read that site you sent.

70 IS SAFE? I have mine at like 80 right now..
Yeah, the sites didnt help. i flt like the temp was wrong.

Thanks for the profile though.
hi - i have a 'mr pinchy' who is cool - he eats the crap off the tank floor.....

he has never shown any intrest in catching fish thank god lol - might change as he gets older but he's peaceful enough lol
Millie-- what size is he? (in ", or cm , a rough estimate or so)

:D I fed mine his first pellet. I broke it in half, and dropped it to the bottom. He sniffed it out and came running out for it. :D

I might try putting other fish into it. but im scared, waste of money. and fish
you can feed Crayfish, almost, anything. just remember they are omnivores not carnivores!
be very careful when visiting sites on the subject, as you have found, many are inaccurate. some, including some big sites, are little more than drivel, and about as accurate as a chocolate clock, at high noon.

you wont go far wrong with the TFF profile, cough, even if i do say so myself.
Oh yes! I fed it in the morning and it didn't touch its pellet. I found the other pellet half eaten. I took it out to prevent decaying food. :D

I guess, ill try the grape. Clarify, anyone?
mine have eaten grapes before now!
they also eat peas carrots witloof plants pellets sweetcorn green beans lettuce and, well whatever they get their claws on!!!
LULZ, LETTUCE? CORN? Do those float? or do you have to like get something to push it down?
You can also feed them earthworms :) Mine used to love that as a treat. My hubby put in a whole one once and it loved pulling that thing out of the substrate, plus my tiger barbs ate pieces too.



It happened with mine. I was horrified. I ended up selling the thing back to my lfs.
kj... thanks for the bump..? XD
Can I feed them earthworms from my compost? O:

Also, I got my fruit answer.

Tried feeding him a grape a few days ago. Dropped two quarters in, and in a week it was gone. (He was busy munching on his moult. :3)
kj... thanks for the bump..? XD
Can I feed them earthworms from my compost? O:

Also, I got my fruit answer.

Tried feeding him a grape a few days ago. Dropped two quarters in, and in a week it was gone. (He was busy munching on his moult. :3)

yeh, i guess it would leave it till it was a bit "high" before it eat it :hyper: . indeed its best to put veg in when its a bit over ripe. but with treats like earth worms, snails even insects, they tend to like their meat fresh! :crazy: and worms from a good compost heap are, probably. the safest you can use. :good: remember atm, your young cray need protein, so fresh roast chicken will go down well. fish bits from your local fishmonger, please avoid shrimp of any type. as the cray matures ( from 7 months with a redclaw, 12 or so for others) it will have less need of such foods, and the veg content of the dieat will increase till its fully 60% of the cray's total dieat.

It is worth noting kj23502's comment, whilst it is not a forgone conclusion, it will always remain a possibility. as there is no "instructions" on how to keep cray with fish, it does seem it is possible. I and several on this forum have and do do this.

keep us updated on your progress!

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