Video Betta Being A Betta.

I got him a new Mirror, I was going to get one of those zoo med ones but with shipping it will cost $17, so I got one meant for a bird cage for $2.

Remember this guy was a true rescue the previous owner was going to flush him because he just sat there doing nothing.
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That's horrendous I can't understand people like that. Poor boy living with people like that, he's very lucky. He's also very handsome :rolleyes:
What plants do you have in that tank? Also do you have IAL in there? I'm wondering if the IAL in mine is making it all too dark for the plants as they dont seem to be doing too well. Yours look fab - thats what I want to recreate for Errol.

Your betta is a beautiful boy - such gorgeous fins. I love his flaring :D Is it good for them to flare? Errol doesn't seem to bother!
Anubias, Crypts and Blue stricta and yes I have Indian Almond leaf in there, Flaring for a few minutes a day ( no more than 5 ) is great for them it even helps them poop.
Thanks for the info!

In that case I shall get Errol a mirror! Wonder what he'll make of it?!?
I got one of these from a $1 shop just take off the bell and attach a bit of Styrofoam.
I removed the big bit of wood because I saw Boofhead snag his tail on it, and added some dwarf rush,


That is the actual light level in the tank.

I just took the mirror out but he will carry on like this for another half hour or so.

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Who to eat?
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The mirror is a great idea, but I don't need one for my mom's (basically my) black/blue crowntail. He flares at the red rams horn snails :D
Just did a water change and turned off the main light.

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